"only a game"
Said the man who's accepted millions of dollars, flashy cars, cushy holidays each year, being able to fly around the world playing "just a game" for his full-time job...
The money that he's accepted has come from where? The fans. The rusted on. The guys out there battling life threatening illnesses for what they put into says game through an era where a player like he wouldn't last a minute.. where players have lost their promising careers in an instant. The players who battled hard and only got to play one to a hand full of first grade games, never reaching the cushy position he is in
The families that scrape and save to show their kids a fun day or night out in the excitement that is Rugby League live in the stands.
The millions he's happy to take, and to sit back thinking he can go an entire game for only 8 runs barely any metres... He can miss tackle after tackle, not attempt to make them, have all of these younger players under his "leadership" their careers in front of him... Teaching them that you can be mediocre and still remain the captain of once of the biggest brands in Australian Sports
"Just a game"