People forget these guys are adults.
Oh, such and such is 21. Oh he is only 22 / whatever….
They are old enough to drive. To work, to vote, to enjoy all of the privileges that being above the age of 18, affords in our country. They are also entitled to all of the privileges and wealth their role in the National Rugby League affords them.
I am sick of hearing the pathetic excuse that ‘they are only such and such’ and I am sick of the Brisbane Broncos accepting this sort of shitty behaviour off-field, especially when their on-field performance is also abysmal. It smacks of a club with zero standards either off the field or on it, because there appears to those of us watching, zero consequences for either.
These players demonstrate all the hallmarks of a bunch of entitled spoilt brats and neither club nor NRL policies or the laws of society seem to concern them.
This club has allowed itself to have the playing group dictate terms (thanks Wal) and not the other way around, for far too long.
Given we have no real performance on the field in recent times to worry about, maybe it’s beyond time the club got serious about it’s actual standards and what it will and won’t accept.
Because they look like a bunch of cucks for these entitled wankers who have achieved nothing, other than getting sacked a series of differing coaches, while the real problem is continually ignored.
Not surprisingly, the clubs at the pointy end of the competition year after year, never have these problems, or if they do, they are excised, immediately.
I wonder if that has anything to do with them consistently being at the pointy end?