Site Update!!

Coxy said:
Yeah, it's pretty good. Still using the basic design principles of the last site,which is smart. Just made it a little more colourful. I think the size of the game panels is ridiculously large though.

Still, the main thing they wanted was streaming video and they've got it.

Do you still work at Creatop?
Yeah man, some of the pages has REALLY TINY small as writing that i had to magnify 3 times to be able to read, is that a glitch or something cause i hope they fix that.
I rekon the site is awesome, but why do we still have the same same stuff like games, past seasons ect, ect.
Nashy said:
Coxy said:
Yeah, it's pretty good. Still using the basic design principles of the last site,which is smart. Just made it a little more colourful. I think the size of the game panels is ridiculously large though.

Still, the main thing they wanted was streaming video and they've got it.

Do you still work at Creatop?

Coxy said:
Nashy said:
Coxy said:
Yeah, it's pretty good. Still using the basic design principles of the last site,which is smart. Just made it a little more colourful. I think the size of the game panels is ridiculously large though.

Still, the main thing they wanted was streaming video and they've got it.

Do you still work at Creatop?


Well that was precise and straight to the point. [icon_razz1
It was a straight question, I gave a straight answer :P
I suggested to the Broncos to include when players' contracts end in their player profiles on the web site, expecting the obvious answer being no way. And that's exactly the answer for reasons I expected:

- players' contracts are sometimes very complicated (eg options, KPIs to meet or their contract can be nullified etc; usually those terms are confidential)
- opposition teams being able to just go through the playing roster and know when players are available. At least at the moment they either have to contact a manager, or the manager has to contact them to find out if a player is on the market. Or a journo does some research and publishes an article about cattle on the market.

So there ya go.
Thanks Coxy.

Just a query, when you go to the players profile, you can't copy the photos. But if you click the photo to read their stats etc, you can copy them.

Not that I have tried. [icon_evillaugh :oops:
I really like how all the NRL team websites seem to copy elements from each other. Bulldogs started the trend with the full flash site and then rolled back to a huge amount of flash (as they told me it was hard to update content fast) and many of NRL sites caught up and went past them. Souths started the net version of streaming video with SSFC.TV for club teams outside the NRL crappy videos and now every team has a tv type element on their website.

Have to say this version of the Broncos site is better then the last version and find it funny Creatop still link to the site from their site now that iOnline are doing it, you wouldn't have happened to moved across from Creatop to iOnline Coxy?
Twiztid said:
I really like how all the NRL team websites seem to copy elements from each other. Bulldogs started the trend with the full flash site and then rolled back to a huge amount of flash (as they told me it was hard to update content fast) and many of NRL sites caught up and went past them. Souths started the net version of streaming video with SSFC.TV for club teams outside the NRL crappy videos and now every team has a tv type element on their website.

Have to say this version of the Broncos site is better then the last version and find it funny Creatop still link to the site from their site now that iOnline are doing it, you wouldn't have happened to moved across from Creatop to iOnline Coxy?

It's the way Internet Development is going, not what the other guy is doing.

Flash is alright to update, can just connect to any old database. Flash is easy now days for coders to use.
It is the way net 2.0 is going but if you look at mostly all NRL sites now and count how many things are almost all the same that is what I am getting at. Every NRL club team will look at the rest of the NRL sites and then all the other sports teams around the world and try and trump and one up their sites. EG Coxy (Creatop at the time) probably was told by the Bronco's admin we like the layout of however we want to make it cleaner and easier to find information for our fans and load faster.

The limitations with communicating between flash requires another programming language to connect to send the variable to the database anyways. The use of flash from CMS’s is becoming a lot more powerful but will never be completely fool proof. You might as well use CSS as well to achieve similar results if you are not going for too much animation.

That is what the Bulldogs admin said to us when we redesigned the South site in late 2006 when their site was in complete flash. Due to I am the only person who can code Flash at South’s and my role is in the merchandise store I suggested to stick to a flash banner that can rotate and roll over with quick information and stick to asp that we had at the time. That was more so because the I.T company we had designing the site had no real Flash experience and well they no longer make the new South's site.

Anyways get back to talking about the Bronco's site. I have said my piece - Better then the last one but following the rest of the NRL club sites and not really offering anything new.