Broncos help in storm cleanup.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
I saw on 10 news tonight that the Broncos players were out helping the the storm cleanup tonight. After their gym was flooded, instead of getting sent home, they were sent to work helping the surrounding storm-ravaged suburbs in the cleanup.

Now, i think that part of the reason they were helping in the cleanup was to rebuild the clubs battered image, but it was still good to see them out helping the community.

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Did you see what the Storm did to his car last night?
Yeah its funny I know if your like me you tend to treat these PR shots with a bit of scepticism but at the end of the day so what if they thought they'd get some good PR for it, what ever the reason they helped out and thats what matters.

Oh and in keeping up with the bad joke theme here...
"I havn't seen the Bronco's clean up a storm like that since 06!"
Agreed Assassin. I mean, most of the guys live around Ashgrove anyway, so it'd be nice to think that they were spending time helping out in the suburb regardless. Plenty of older people around there without their physical capability to do it themselves, and many more who actually still had to work their 9-5 despite what went on.

Regardless, it's SO refreshing to see something decent about our club in the papers again. I hope the boys actually keep it up, regardless of whether the media is there or not.
For all the ladies in the house:

Agree Mick. If I lived in the area and had a job that left a lot of spare time during the day I'd be out there helping everyday.

But good on 'em. Most of Gen Y would be sitting back whinging about their internet not working or when their playstation 3 was going to be back online.
Coxy said:
Agree Mick. If I lived in the area and had a job that left a lot of spare time during the day I'd be out there helping everyday.

But good on 'em. Most of Gen Y would be sitting back whinging about their internet not working or when their playstation 3 was going to be back online.

Almost as bad as that bluding son of yours. [icon_lol1. Would he be generation Z(1)(a)?
mick! said:
Coxy said:
Agree Mick. If I lived in the area and had a job that left a lot of spare time during the day I'd be out there helping everyday.

But good on 'em. Most of Gen Y would be sitting back whinging about their internet not working or when their playstation 3 was going to be back online.

Almost as bad as that bluding son of yours. [icon_lol1. Would he be generation Z(1)(a)?

LOLZ! He certainly does whinge. But he whinges about more basic things. I want food. I want cuddle. I want sleep. I want dry bum bum. [icon_lol1.
mick! said:
[quote="| * kelsey * |":2lbwa1ni]
cam said:
For all the ladies in the house:



Corey can come and clean up my place any day!

I notice you didn't say "house" [icon_shady[/quote:2lbwa1ni]
LOL! [icon_lol1.
mick! said:
[quote="| * kelsey * |":xy20pje3]
cam said:
For all the ladies in the house:



Corey can come and clean up my place any day!

I notice you didn't say "house" [icon_shady[/quote:xy20pje3]

Bah that's Parker's OWN house they're "pitching in" to help (according to the Oz anyway).