NEWS Broncos must embrace life without Reynolds: Walters


Brisbane's title hopes hang in the balance after a biceps rupture to skipper Adam Reynolds but coach Kevin Walters is backing Jock Madden to fill the breach.

Reynolds will go for scans on the injury he suffered in the 40-18 loss to Sydney Roosters on Friday night, with Walters saying it was "potentially" season-ending.

Respected Brisbane-based physiotherapist Brian Seeney, known on social media site 'X' as NRL PHYSIO, said the usual time frame for a return from a torn biceps post-surgery was 12 weeks, unless there were complications, which he said were rare.

That would leave the Broncos' 33-year-old conductor and 2014 premiership winner out of action until at least round 21.

Madden, the club's back-up half, had a minor pectoral injury the previous week against Wests Tigers while playing five-eighth and Walters said he was racing the clock to be fit for Friday night's away clash with Parramatta.

Utility Tristan Sailor is an option if former Tigers half Madden does not recover, but the Broncos are backing the 24-year-old to be the successor to Reynolds in future and now in 2024 in the wake of his injury.

"We would prefer for guys to not get injured but it gives us an opportunity to have a really good look at Jock for the next 12 or 14 weeks," Walters said.

"It was a one to two-week injury but I haven't had a chance to talk to the doctors about Jock and his return. He would be an outside chance against Parramatta.

"(Sailor) could play a role there for us, certainly. He has got a good football IQ.

"We have been defending him in the front line and he has been doing that at Queensland Cup level. We have go some options but will let the dust settle over the weekend.

"We have got good depth. I'm more concerned about how we played tonight. We need to fix that. We will get Adam back I am pretty sure before the year is out, and also Jesse Arthars."

Walters ruled out switching fullback Reece Walsh, who had a poor game against the Roosters, to the halves.

"We will leave Reece at fullback," Walters said.

Winger Arthars broke his jaw against the Roosters and was taken to hospital. He is set to be replaced by veteran Corey Oates.

Lock Pat Carrigan said the club would be tested, but not daunted by their injuries.

"We will find out what we are made of. Such is life with footy," he said.

"I think this happens with a lot of teams and ... it is the next man up. We have got a lot of depth at our club and I am confident whoever plays there will do the job. There is a footy team here. We just have to iron out a couple of things."

Canberra Times

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