Broncos pair cautioned by police

I reckon it was the Hogs Breath Pig, and the new Buck.
I love it. Some unknown pisses on a brick wall and everyone starts pissing in the wind.

(Sorry - the Force made me do it.) [icon_razz1
Nothing incident, Every guy out there has at some stage pissed in public (obviously behind a tree, quite place, etc)
Sometimes you're busting and there is no toilet around, it happens, you're not going to piss your pants when you can just piss on some tree without anyone seeing lol.
Players are Michaels & Kenny.

Michaels kicked the car & Kenny peed on a wall near a bank.
Yeah, channel 10 have said nick kenny and micheals..... didn't expect it from nick, but it doesn't make me think any less of him, but wtf is this about micheals kicking a car? micheals should be dropped anyway so I couldn't care less if he was.
Drop them both, how f##king stupid are these NRL players. I am really disappointed in both of them who have seemed to be decent blokes who know how to do the right thing. Thought this clubs players would have learned how to behave after the incidents of late last year but obviously not. Sure the incidents are probably not huge but you just can't do it in there position anymore. Give them a couple of weeks each in reserves to think about it.
I'd like to hear more about the situation of Kenny draining the sea monster in public before i form any conclusive opinion. I mean, if you have to go, well you have to go!

As for Michaels, why would he kick a car? What a stupid thing to do.
ningnangnong said:
I'd like to hear more about the situation of Kenny draining the sea monster in public before i form any conclusive opinion. I mean, if you have to go, well you have to go!

As for Michaels, why would he kick a car? What a stupid thing to do.
Agreed exactly what i have said, every guy has to do it at some point, if there is no toilet aroundu and he had then I don't see a problem, If police saw micheals kicking a car wouldn't he be charged??? Not warned.
What is it with guys thinking "if you gotta go, you gotta go"? We're all adults, or at least toilet trained children. Ever heard of "holding it"?! Women have to, what makes men incapable of it?
I saw a situation much like this happen to two blokes on Saturday night.

One needed to go for a piddle really bad, and no cabs would pick them up simply because they were blokes. They were not drunk from what I could gather and were actually wearing suits.

One bloke peed on a tree (without getting caught by cops.)

They then tried to catch a cab home again. One of them hopped into the front seat of the cab, tried to tell the cab driver the destination but he didn't want to drive there. The guy said he was going to take his number down and ask the company if he was allowed to refuse the service. The driver started to drive off with him hanging out the door, and then tried to push him out.
His mate kicked the side of the cab and yelled that he was recording it.

Who's in the wrong there?

FTR, we were trying to catch cabs ourselves so that's why we saw all of this. We had another taxi driver try to charge us $50 upfront for a $20 fare. He sped off when we tried to take his number down.
99% of Sydney cab drivers are grubs, and cause more trouble by acting like this.
Susan said:
schmix said:
What is it with guys thinking "if you gotta go, you gotta go"? We're all adults, or at least toilet trained children. Ever heard of "holding it"?! Women have to, what makes men incapable of it?

Holding it? Men have less tolerance. I hate holding it in.

You poor thing.
Personally, I'm just pleased an opportunity has opened up to kick Michaels out of first grade. Let's hope we take it.
I think beer is the biggest factor. Males can consume a fair amount of it quickly, and when a severe beer piss hits you, you're going within 5 minutes or you're doing some damage.
schmix said:
What is it with guys thinking "if you gotta go, you gotta go"? We're all adults, or at least toilet trained children. Ever heard of "holding it"?! Women have to, what makes men incapable of it?
It's not that simple, if you are busting you can only hold it in for so long.
The fact is Broncospwn and others, a court isn't going to accept 'I couldn't hold it' or 'I was busting' as an excuse and neither should the Broncos. FFS! Adults know how to handle themselves with regards to this or they shouldn't drink, anyone on here condoning urinating in public needs there head read it is disgusting, and when you're someone who has people watching your every move it couldn't be any more idiotic.