After I was finished stalking random people who looked like Broncos players within the Inala shopping centre, upon leaving I looked to the RIGHT and noticed there were only 5 to 8 clouds in the sky. I had a feeling I was just a dickhead looking up while walking out of a shopping centre counting clouds at 7:55, but the Bronco in me knew it was a sign, i SAID i would cook dinner at 7:55 because the misses was coming home late after work and she is a mother who I would like to f........cook dinner for to get a f....... who happens to be 5'8"!!! Which brought me to the conclusion, after all theses 5's, 8's and the milf. Milford is definitely coming to the Broncos in 2014. If Milford does not sign for 2014, I will no longer cook dinner, stalk people in the Inala shopping centre or post in the BHQ forums. One or all of those will happen, if not, things change bro.
*insert something about FRED*