Broncos positivity thread

Broncos revel in double D future. No Image or Gif required - (but feel free).
the season is halfway done. so the misery rollercoaster is on the downward slope for this season, that's something to be positive about right?
Still 10 games to puke through.
Does it even matter anymore? most of us hardly watched the game last night and have hardly spoken about it since all this news dropped. Pre-season will be interesting though.
I remember the ‘Friday nights a great night for football’ tune as clear as day

'Friday on My Mind' was always my personal favourite.

Remember growing up with my old man watching Friday night footy and hearing this song and being so excited. We've spent countless hours over the years watching every single game of footy together every single weekend without fail.

Years later, when Bruce Springsteen came to Sydney I bought tickets for me and the old fella to go see him live (figured it might be my last chance) - front and centre, he opened with a cover of The Easybeats - Friday on My Mind. Was a fantastic memory I'll keep forever and an example of just how important and special our game is to so many people who have grown up with it for so long.

Nowadays, the old boy can't even stomach what the NRL has become... refuses to watch any game other than the Broncos - and even then only half-heartedly. His love of the game has been completely killed and now watching the footy with my dad is a distant memory just like hearing 'Friday on My Mind' blare out of the old tiny non-HD TV back in the late 90s.