If this club is waiting / delaying making signings based on the decision of Cam Smith, who time and again has yanked our chain and led us along and played us for fools... then we as a club are dumber than I thought. The bloke was openly taking shots at us just a few days ago, saying he wouldn't sign with us even in an 'alternate universe'... We should be looking to the future for players who want to be here If we miss out on recruits for next year because we have hung ourselves up on potentially ONE year of cam smith, that's a disgrace and the board should immediately be terminated on medical grounds because they clearly have IQ's which make them unfit to hold a professional position at a listed company.
Now, on the flip side, if the club is waiting / delaying making signings and disallowing the incoming coach to make decisions because they are awaiting the results of arbitrary external reviews designed to do nothing but cover themselves and save their own skins, then they should also be terminated... but not in a professional way, more like the way Arnie terminates people in T2.