NEWS Broncos support Payne Haas after his father's arrest


Brisbane coach Kevin Walters says the club are supporting prop Payne Haas "in every way" after the player's father was arrested in the Philippines facing extradition to Indonesia, where he is accused of drug trafficking.

Gregor Johann Haas, 46, was arrested in Cebu City on Wednesday, according to local media reports.

Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of Indonesia's National Narcotics Board General Sulistyo Pudjo Hartono said authorities had been tracking Haas since December last year after the discovery of five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesman told AAP it was providing consular assistance to an Australian man arrested in the Philippines but was unable to make further comment due to privacy obligations.

Payne's mother Joan Taufua is in jail facing manslaughter charges after a car she was driving killed three people in 2022. Payne has been a rock for his siblings, including two of his younger brothers who he cares for.

The latest incident has resulted in his Broncos family rallying around Payne.

Walters, speaking after the 13-12 win over Manly on Friday night, said the Broncos were "supporting Payne in every way we can".

"Payne's a very strong individual and his family is as well. A lot of people probably don't understand or realise the person Payne is," Walters said.

"He's a tremendous guy, tremendous family person and in this moment in time that he's going through we will get around him in every way we can to support him and his family. That's all we can do.

"Payne's just such a great person of integrity ... and what he's doing with his family even before this incident is something we need to be very respectful of."

Payne's close friend and teammate Pat Carrigan summed up the way the Australian prop and five-time Broncos player of the year was regarded.

"Everyone knows what Payne Haas can do as a football player. Me and him are really close, we're probably like family now the two of us," Carrigan said.

"His resilience and his caring, he's the first one to check on all the boys and then there's the load he carries willingly for us as a club, but also his family is pretty special.

"If there were more like Payne Haas in the world I think it would be a better place."

Haas sent a scare through the Broncos when he was assisted from the field in the 60th minute against Manly with what appeared to be a serious lower left leg injury, before he returned 14 minutes later to finish the match.

"He's fine," Walters said.

"He got a knee to the calf which triggered a nerve problem in his big toe. He's right now. He's still limping and not right but he should be right for next week which is gold for us."

Canberra Times


NRL Player
Apr 19, 2016
The shit his family has put him through. If you ever needed a reason to respect someone who has fought some personal demons to get to where he is, just look at payne hass. His proffessional attitude and strength of character is incredible.
The Strapper

The Strapper

NRL Player
Apr 21, 2015
The shit his family has put him through. If you ever needed a reason to respect someone who has fought some personal demons to get to where he is, just look at payne hass. His proffessional attitude and strength of character is incredible.
Agree completely but I am concerned both his parents now have very serious long term issues to deal with and am worried these could potentially just grind him down over time.
He needs all the support the club can give him I just hope its enough.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Getting arrested in Indonesia for drug related charges…..not ideal…..could potentially face a firing squad, which no matter how strong (or estranged) you are would mess up any kid. My word.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Getting arrested in Indonesia for drug related charges…..not ideal…..could potentially face a firing squad, which no matter how strong (or estranged) you are would mess up any kid. My word.

Not that it is any better, but Technically Payne's father was arrested in the Philippines. He is facing extradition to Indonesia


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Not that it is any better, but Technically Payne's father was arrested in the Philippines. He is facing extradition to Indonesia
Any Asian country and you’re asking for trouble! I’d be shitting bricks if they were going to extradite me to Indo tho!!


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
The secondary concern will be the financial costs of the legal battles to get him anything but the death penalty. High stakes, high profile person earning in the millions per year, Payne's going to get fleeced.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Albo has said that the Australian Government will provide diplomatic assistance to Payne's father.

Anthony Albanese said:

“The Australian Government has a bipartisan position of being opposed to the death penalty for a long period of time,”

“That remains our position and we always make representations. It is, of course, at a very early stage of these accusations which have been made.

“We will provide consular assistance to Mr Hass, as we do for all Australian citizens in such circumstances.

“We will continue to make diplomatic representations in an appropriate way,” Albanese said in regards to deportation.

“One of the things that the Australian Government do is we stand up for Australian citizens, we make appropriate representations through diplomatic channels and we’ll do doing that in this occasion again.”
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Any Asian country and you’re asking for trouble! I’d be shitting bricks if they were going to extradite me to Indo tho!!

He had a false passport and Phillipines drivers license in another name .
Extradition cases can drag on .
Either way he will be in the slammer a long time .

Just means death penalty is not on the table . But 5 KGs of meth is a major case . And if they tracked him for 6 months from Indo to the Phils they are on his ass big time .


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Agree completely but I am concerned both his parents now have very serious long term issues to deal with and am worried these could potentially just grind him down over time.
He needs all the support the club can give him I just hope its enough.
If they're absent it will be a blessing!! Coming from an atheist I know it's an odd way to describe it but you know what I mean !!
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
“One of the things that the Australian Government do is we stand up for Australian citizens, we make appropriate representations through diplomatic channels and we’ll do doing that in this occasion again.”

Hey Albo , Assange`s lawyers on the phone again bro ...

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