Broncos vs Sharks - Build up thread



International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Donny said:
lyn said:
Donny said:
I dont know why some people are bagging Sims all the time, he was by far in the top 2-3 fowards we had last year and his defence was outstanding. You say he hasnt shown anything to warrant playing in first grade, FYI he hasnt been given a F###ing chance. I think he has played two games and in both was only given 20mins max. Seriously Sims would be in the top 17 at every club including the storm, dragons ect.

Now nobody can tell me that Ivan must have some issue with Sims!! If i was Sims id want to be leaving the Broncos asap and trying to go to a club that allows him to play, i would wish him well to because he is the most underused player in the NRL. Seriously im not a Ivan hater but he is starting to piss me off with these stupid selections. If Sims gets picked up by a decent club he would go close to being a rep player!!!!! Ivan pull your head out of your arse and for god sake pick Sims!!!!!!!
I'm not bagging Sims. I'm simply saying he is not playing well enough to deserve to play as much as you & some others think so.

Do you even bother to watch or at least follow Qld Cup games? If you did then you would realise that Sims has been absolute rubbish in the Qld Cup this year. And as far as I'm concerned, if you can't play well in QLD Cup then you shouldn't play first grade.

The reason that Sims has had low minutes in the first grade games he has played this year (I can guarantee that 1 game he played more than 20mins max, stop making shit up) is because he doesn't deserve to get longer minutes when our other forwards are doing a good job!

Pull your head out of your arse and get a clue before you go raving on about some crap that you honestly have no idea about.

You cant say that Sims wanst one of the best fowards towards then end of last year.

So f'in what?!?! That was last year. This is this year and he's playing like a powderpuff.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Coxy said:
Donny said:
lyn said:
Donny said:
I dont know why some people are bagging Sims all the time, he was by far in the top 2-3 fowards we had last year and his defence was outstanding. You say he hasnt shown anything to warrant playing in first grade, FYI he hasnt been given a F###ing chance. I think he has played two games and in both was only given 20mins max. Seriously Sims would be in the top 17 at every club including the storm, dragons ect.

Now nobody can tell me that Ivan must have some issue with Sims!! If i was Sims id want to be leaving the Broncos asap and trying to go to a club that allows him to play, i would wish him well to because he is the most underused player in the NRL. Seriously im not a Ivan hater but he is starting to piss me off with these stupid selections. If Sims gets picked up by a decent club he would go close to being a rep player!!!!! Ivan pull your head out of your arse and for god sake pick Sims!!!!!!!
I'm not bagging Sims. I'm simply saying he is not playing well enough to deserve to play as much as you & some others think so.

Do you even bother to watch or at least follow Qld Cup games? If you did then you would realise that Sims has been absolute rubbish in the Qld Cup this year. And as far as I'm concerned, if you can't play well in QLD Cup then you shouldn't play first grade.

The reason that Sims has had low minutes in the first grade games he has played this year (I can guarantee that 1 game he played more than 20mins max, stop making shit up) is because he doesn't deserve to get longer minutes when our other forwards are doing a good job!

Pull your head out of your arse and get a clue before you go raving on about some crap that you honestly have no idea about.

You cant say that Sims wanst one of the best fowards towards then end of last year.

So f'in what?!?! That was last year. This is this year and he's playing like a powderpuff.

If thats the case no way in hell should Wallace be getting selected because he has been playing rubbish this year!


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Bucking Beads said:
Coxy said:
Donny said:
lyn said:
Donny said:
I dont know why some people are bagging Sims all the time, he was by far in the top 2-3 fowards we had last year and his defence was outstanding. You say he hasnt shown anything to warrant playing in first grade, FYI he hasnt been given a F###ing chance. I think he has played two games and in both was only given 20mins max. Seriously Sims would be in the top 17 at every club including the storm, dragons ect.

Now nobody can tell me that Ivan must have some issue with Sims!! If i was Sims id want to be leaving the Broncos asap and trying to go to a club that allows him to play, i would wish him well to because he is the most underused player in the NRL. Seriously im not a Ivan hater but he is starting to piss me off with these stupid selections. If Sims gets picked up by a decent club he would go close to being a rep player!!!!! Ivan pull your head out of your arse and for god sake pick Sims!!!!!!!
I'm not bagging Sims. I'm simply saying he is not playing well enough to deserve to play as much as you & some others think so.

Do you even bother to watch or at least follow Qld Cup games? If you did then you would realise that Sims has been absolute rubbish in the Qld Cup this year. And as far as I'm concerned, if you can't play well in QLD Cup then you shouldn't play first grade.

The reason that Sims has had low minutes in the first grade games he has played this year (I can guarantee that 1 game he played more than 20mins max, stop making shit up) is because he doesn't deserve to get longer minutes when our other forwards are doing a good job!

Pull your head out of your arse and get a clue before you go raving on about some crap that you honestly have no idea about.

You cant say that Sims wanst one of the best fowards towards then end of last year.

So f'in what?!?! That was last year. This is this year and he's playing like a powderpuff.

If thats the case no way in hell should Wallace be getting selected because he has been playing rubbish this year!

Agree 100%! Wallace has been horrible.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
In a serious note on it raining...

Im 7 rows back and taking my 2yr old with me. Will i get in shit with an umbrella?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Yeah, security will get you to get rid of your umbrella. Maybe bring a poncho for your kid.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
The Rock said:
Ease up on the halves though, it's not like our forwards have helped in any way.

IMO Wallace makes it harder on our forwards with his woeful kicking game. It really is bad must be close to worst in the league IMO.

Looks like our bench for todays game is Parker, Te'o, Anderson and Beale. So Hunt drops off I am a bit angry with that TBH but I guess Ivan knows what he is doing.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
draggx said:
In a serious note on it raining...

Im 7 rows back and taking my 2yr old with me. Will i get in shit with an umbrella?

Umbrellas aren't allowed in the seating areas.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
draggx said:
In a serious note on it raining...

Im 7 rows back and taking my 2yr old with me. Will i get in shit with an umbrella?

You'll be ok just show the fans your vagina they will understand!! [icon_evillaugh


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
The Rock said:
draggx said:
In a serious note on it raining...

Im 7 rows back and taking my 2yr old with me. Will i get in shit with an umbrella?

Dunno, but why would you take in an umbrella anyway? I absolutely hate it when idiots take umbrella's into stadiums and stick it up right in front of me. umbrella's should be banned.

no idea where the lil brat put his raincoat.... bahfukity time to go to Kmart!
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
The Rock said:
[quote="Bucking Beads":1tie2h6h][quote="The Rock":1tie2h6h]Ease up on the halves though, it's not like our forwards have helped in any way.

IMO Wallace makes it harder on our forwards with his woeful kicking game. It really is bad must be close to worst in the league IMO.

Looks like our bench for todays game is Parker, Te'o, Anderson and Beale. So Hunt drops off I am a bit angry with that TBH but I guess Ivan knows what he is doing.[/quote:1tie2h6h]

If the forwards were going decent enough to give Wallace a bit of room to not have to kick under pressure nearly every single time, then his kicking game would be better.

Not saying Wallace hasn't been shit, but he hardly deserves all of the blame.[/quote:1tie2h6h]

Most of the time when kicking Wallace seems to have all the time in the world yet seems to find the fullback on the full a fair bit. Maybe he should have signed for GAYFL


NRL Player
Mar 31, 2010
jarro65 said:
All i can say is that when he's put on the Broncos strip, Sims has played the house down.

I'll admit i don't watch much (any) of the QLD cup games, but i think what he does when he plays for us is of more importance than what he does for our affiliate clubs.

Dam right, i cant agree with you anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Donny said:
jarro65 said:
All i can say is that when he's put on the Broncos strip, Sims has played the house down.

I'll admit i don't watch much (any) of the QLD cup games, but i think what he does when he plays for us is of more importance than what he does for our affiliate clubs.

Dam right, i cant agree with you anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exactly why he wasn't in the team for round 1 is another of Ivans masterstokes!! Sims not being in the team is all well and good if the players selected ahead of him are actually better than him. I am afraid Setu is FARKEN shit and should not be in the team. Watch him play a blinder today though haha.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Sounds to me like the club wants Sims to leave. They're giving him every chance. The strategy seems to focus on the younger props at his expense.

I don't think he's been, overall, any better or worse than any of our props. Doesn't seems like he's being supported.


NRL Player
Mar 31, 2010
Like i have already said, What has Kenny, Setu or Anderson done that Sims wouldnt of done. Im enclinded to think that SIms would of been better because his defence is very strong. Fair enough Setu can pull off a hit but how many does he miss to get that hit. IMO Kenny has stuggled this year (probally due to his injuries) and Anderson hasnt been good as i thought he would. Some people say he is playing crap in Q Cup, well i dont care how shit he plays in Q Cup, all i care about is how well he plays for the Bronco. When and i stress WHEN because he hasnt been given fuk all oppurtunities but when he does get a chance he has played well IMO, definately well enough to be playing today.


BRL Player
Jan 14, 2009
Just quietly... Wallace's kicking game today was pretty spot on... on the back of a strong forwards effort.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
mjc said:
Just quietly... Wallace's kicking game today was pretty spot on... on the back of a strong forwards effort.

Yeah he was due for a good game his kicking was exceptional


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