Broncos vs Storm [Round 12, 2021]

I think we've been good except for Milford who can't even pass it to a receiver

I think this is it for Milf and on tonight's game, any club who signs him will be pitching him a minimum wage deal
Mmmm.....Plenty of things to like, one of those isn't Milford.

We haven't taken our chances and the Storm have been a bit lucky as well as taken theirs.
No sorry Kelly has failed us as well. Lazy defence from fleger, tpj hasn't been up to his standard.

Milford has clearly been the worst player on the field by light years but there is still other problems
I reckon Milf shitting the bed has thrown the whole team out
We cant hold onto the ball. Kelly has been bad and milf even worse. Turpin is playing well.
At this point, Milford should only be asking for work experience. Forget the 600k pal
This team is building all the time which is wonderful but you have to cut the anchor that is Milf now, he's done. Line needs to be put through his name and hopefully he finds someone to take his contract for the rest of the year. He is pulling the whole team down.
And there is no use saying there is promise, we looked good in patches. This is a game we should win, storm have half their team missing. We arent that trash, we should be ahead.
Only have been listening on ABC but it seems to me that the main reason why the team feels dejected is because of one player - Milford. The sooner he is permanently turfed can we have a snowflake’s chance of rebuilding the club.