Absolutely shattered to lose a game like that. I'm glad I'm sick and didn't go to it. I thought the game was so entertaining but so frustrating at the same time. There are going to be two types of people in this thread, those who "take it well" and say "Yeh good effort boys" and the others who aren't happy. I hope that most people aren't happy with that performence and use the fact the Melbourne are a great side and were supposed to win to scapegoat us out of the piss poor effort we gave.
Our defense the the first half was fantastic, but littered through the whole game was STUPID mistakes like not taking your time when playing the ball and STUPID dummy half runs which did nothing. Our attack was so laughable sometimes. I'm usually a defender of Stagg but he was so bad tonight I felt ashamed. Hodges has lost interest in playing for the team. He let us down so many times and didn't look like it mattered. Broke my heart to see Locky like that after the game. But even he had some bonehead plays that cost us field position time after time.
Clinton was above his usual crapola with mistakes tonight and it looked like WB finally had enough with the amount of game time Clinton ended up getting. All our forwards were shocking. I still don't know how we got ourselves into so many good situations in the first place. Slater saved the game by sliding in under the ball to hold up Hannant.
I can't believe it didn't get put to 3rd ref for Slaters try, he was offside on the vision but no one else saw it and Hayne just gave the try. Sims deserves the blame for that last try. It's a cop out to say he doesn't because other people were making mistakes. Thats BULLSHIT. What other people did or didn't do has no bearing on holding the ball yourself and he should feel bad for what he did. I don't blame him for the loss, but he can't (and won't) hide from the guilt.
Ennis gave us bad Karma for taking another dive, I can't wait to see the back of such a dirty player. I thought our young backs were our only good players.
I just can't see how we lost that game when the Storm played SO bad. They have to turn something around if they think they can beat Manly come GF.