Broncos vs Titans (Round 6) * TEAMS SELECTED *

wOOt. I can't wait. This will be my first away game, ever! And there's going to be 10 of us I'M EXCITE.

Here's to hoping I finish work on time! [icon_drun
mick! said:
Broncos by 7 - it's only right that we should be the ones to inflict the Tits' first loss at the stadium imo. [icon_drun
[ Bloody Oath! [icon_evillaugh
I have a bad feeling we'll lose. We haven't be great the last couple of weeks, and the Titans are quite a better side than Newcastle.
Alec said:
I have a bad feeling we'll lose. We haven't be great the last couple of weeks, and the Titans are quite a better side than Newcastle.

Agreed. Chisel this in for a loss, I think we're going to get flogged.
I don't think we'll get flogged at all. It'll definitely be tough but the team should be up for this one.
ethos said:
I don't think we'll get flogged at all. It'll definitely be tough but the team should be up for this one.

I agree!! Boo and hiss to all you nay-sayers.

Last weeks effort showed that we can perform at less than our best and still take the points. If we turn up on Friday ready to go, I reckon we will give it a good old shake.

Also, the Titans are 3 from 3 at Skilled so they are due for a loss- their fans need to learn that you don't always go home happy!!!! icon_smile
We have the team to win - all they need to do is play disciplined, committed football, minimize errors and hey presto!

A good win.

As for the existence of a benevolent divinity - let's wait and see ... [icon_razz1
mck62 said:
No Perry [ _woohoo_ There is a God [icon_razz1

Instead we get Moon for 5 minutes when the game is either already won or lost playing out of position.....yay

Moon won't be playing tomorrow - he's 18th man.
WEATHER REPORT: It has been PISSING down here on the Coast off and on all day.

If you're coming down from Brisbane, pack your rain coats! Yeehah!