Cartwright replacement



Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
streaking will ferrell GIF


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Be interesting to see how Woolf goes.

You'd be nervous if you were a Dolphins fan, it's more than a coincidence at this point in regards to what happens to clubs after Bennett leaves.


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
I am really good at predicting coach success. I don't get them wrong ever. Woolf will be a top 4 coach his whole career once WB goes.

Inside pass

BRL Player
Aug 22, 2021
No we dont entertain it at all.

If Reynolds sees the writing on the wall he'll call retirement, get a payout from the Broncos and then straight into the coaching staff.

Him being part of the coaching staff after retirement is one of the biggest things we get out of it... and it will be long long term.

Imagine if Reynolds effectively becomes our halves coach long term, a stalwart coach at the club that survives every coaching change that comes through, basically like Alfie, and we start churning out NRL quality halves and playmakers... suddenly players want to come to Broncos to work under Reynolds.

Cant jeopardise that by sending him down south and letting Sydney get into his ear.
Makes a lot of sense…am sure Reynolds busted body would love it…and gives more time for replacement fit in.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
I am really good at predicting coach success. I don't get them wrong ever. Woolf will be a top 4 coach his whole career once WB goes.

How will Flick go at Barcelona FC?

Woolf has done well in the top grade before, he did well in England with St Helens, did well with Tonga. The dynamic quite obviously changes when Bennett leaves, no other club has been able to get that transition spot on.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
K Hunt imo, sure he is young as **** and logan a bit of basket atm, but he has had alot more to deal with regarding his players being taken from us this year, He shows promise and is an old boy good for being our assistant for a good several year stint I say.

No more NSW dogs please, Josh Hannay also a good option, but I would pick K Hunt first.

Good for our best upcoming players who mostly come from Logan which he coached.


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
K Hunt imo, sure he is young as **** and logan a bit of basket atm, but he has had alot more to deal with regarding his players being taken from us this year, He shows promise and is an old boy good for being our assistant for a good several year stint I say.

No more NSW dogs please, Josh Hannay also a good option, but I would pick K Hunt first.

Good for our best upcoming players who mostly come from Logan which he coached.

ew. Hire on results not on name recognition.

You need someone whos a student of the game and keeps up with the meta.

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