RUMOUR Choose a player from a rival team to replace Macca in our top 30.( For the journalists to publish as a rumour.)

My second cousin's friend said that he was speaking to Harry Grant who mentioned that he dislikes Leichhardt more than Melbourne and is planning to move between Springwood and Strathpine next year.
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So he’s related to Braith Anasta?
Correct. When Braith played for the Roosters, in one of the paper bags he received, Uncle Nick had written a letter saying that he will be able to give anyone of his family members a job somewhere within the game. Pete's not the sharpest tool in the shed but luck was on his side this day.
What the f.uck does his nationality have to do with anything?
Believe it or not the Greeks are a very powerful people when it comes to inside knowledge regarding NRL movements. Greek is the answer I was looking for and the fact this guy believes he may be Greek gives this "rumour" serious credence.
It's an old running joke. It's not racist. It's more the fact that whenever someone is bullshitting a rumour it's usually heard through the grapevine by a Greek cousin.
Yeah okay... Still seems like a racial stereotype.
Believe it or not the Greeks are a very powerful people when it comes to inside knowledge regarding NRL movements. Greek is the answer I was looking for and the fact this guy believes he may be Greek gives this "rumour" serious credence.
Haha that's great logic. So if he was any other nationality he would be most likely lying.
My inlaws brothers dog sitters cousin is saying Damien Cook has had enough of the lies at Souths and wants to hook up with Siebold at Brisbane before June 30. Apparently he is sick of being a character witness for every souths indiscretion for the media.
Pretty much.
Glad that is cleared up
My inlaws brothers dog sitters cousin is saying Damien Cook has had enough of the lies at Souths and wants to hook up with Siebold at Brisbane before June 30. Apparently he is sick of being a character witness for every souths indiscretion for the media.
Can't believe it until we know if he is Greek.... Apparently...
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