Closet Fans

Ooo well this is very soap like. Kinda "cute" though. Blondie must have been quite the catch back in the day.

Moving on. icon_smile
Silence said:
Ooo well this is very soap like. Kinda "cute" though. Blondie must have been quite the catch back in the day.

Moving on. icon_smile

You implying she's not a catch anymore??
Well technically she has been caught, so off the market to nothing other then same sex stuff :P
Playboy Bunny said:
Silence said:
Ooo well this is very soap like. Kinda "cute" though. Blondie must have been quite the catch back in the day.

Moving on. icon_smile

You implying she's not a catch anymore??

I was thinking people might interpret it like that when I posted it, but I thought I could get away with it lol.

I wouldn't know first hand, but I'm sure she still is a catch.
Me too. Although Rocky always has new ways of keeping himself fresh and exciting I'm sure. Everyone wins.
Silence said:
Ooo well this is very soap like. Kinda "cute" though. Blondie must have been quite the catch back in the day.

Moving on. icon_smile
lol that comment makes me sound like 50 or something lol...Im not that old lol
Lol I'm aware of this. [icon_lol1.

Seriously though, two obvious hot studs like Twiztid and Rocky were very interested by the sounds of things. You must have had the x-factor. [icon_wink
Silence said:
Lol I'm aware of this. [icon_lol1.

Seriously though, two obvious hot studs like Twiztid and Rocky were very interested by the sounds of things. You must have had the x-factor. [icon_wink
:roll: ha ha ha very funny !
The Daquiri Alliance - Krispy 'the Snake' Kris
That was a tense could cut the tension with a knife! If you were allowed to take knives into Swine Flu Stadium that is.
The Snake was busting to go to the toilet.
