Could the Storm saga be good for the game? (positive thread)

No I saw that, but why not repeat a similar sentiment in THIS thread which is dedicated to that very topic? Why just repeat how it's "all Gallop and co's fault" yet again.
Of course your right. I have missed the point to a degree. ( draggx ) not you Coxy !!...I do have an opinion as to any positives that have arisen and I did think about them when watching the Victorian public and it's commentators both within the media and in administration. The public seemed to be rallying to the cause and the codes ongoing struggle seems to be raising awareness. Victorians being staunchly defensive of a rugby league team and turning out in thousands to fan days was not something I'd have believed in years gone by.

The siege mentality is not something foreign to us in Queensland nor to anyone under a perceived threat. The loyal fans down deep south have suffered and know what mountainous challenges the Storm have faced and by being seen and highly vocal they will be seen by fellow Victorian non-league followers as a persecuted group of kindred souls. No Victorian will have sympathy for the NRLs side of the story and will observe and empathise with the die-hards struggles. That should be good news down the track if the Storm survive as I'm sure they will.

Origin in Qld enjoyed huge success largely because we felt hard done by. It is no tragedy that same mentality is being built in Victoria. It'll be great for league.
Huge. said:
They have succeeded through a well led and considered plan.

Yep a well led and considered plan to cheat the salary cap.

But seriously, Coxy is right - THIS thread is not the place for your original post - there are multiple other threads in which you can (and have) expressed these sentiments/arguements. And you are correct, other people do express the same arguements several times over (and sometimes in multiple threads) - they usually receive warnings and/or posts deleted. Consider this your unofficial warning for first offence.
Coxy goes for the red corner, makes the tag and FB comes off the top rope [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
Well done flutterby...a day and a half late you come in with stern warning. Well done, you just can't miss a chance to have a go, bit like punching a player when he's held by your team mates. Absolute crock that you say anything to anyone else about expressing an opinion. I have hardly commented on the Melbourne affair as is indicated by the number of posts I have made in total, your full of it.

Typically you can't have read my last post but feel the need to back up your buddy. So boots and all you wade in like Sir Galahad. I don't reckon Coxy needs your assistance, he's probably man enough to help himself. I write from the heart with well constructed reasoning not spiteful drivel. At least my posts make sense and are not childish attempts to strike out. Maybe others do prefer third grade school yard standard but I believe some readers like to read well written and considered responses wherever they happen to occur.

Re-read the first line of my previous post. What the hell do you want.
Oh. and exactly where are these multiple posts saying the same thing ??? I've only commented in two places regarding the Melbourne Storm and both places/subjects concerned the Storm. I had already written that I'd missed the point on the positive Storm thread and then commented solely on the topic. I hardly said the same thing but did highlight multiple considerations. The posts were not all the same but did have a similar vein insomuch as I'd like to see less hysteria and more constructive thinking. Some crime.
Huge. said:
but I believe some readers like to read well written and considered responses wherever they happen to occur.

Re-read the first line of my previous post. What the hell do you want.
Really? I doubt many like to read the drivel you post.

Typical format of Huge's posts.
Bag out someone else.
Explain how everyone here are kids and or stupid.
Tell everyone how amazingly awesome you are and how you are a superior human being to anyone else here.
Explain why you think you are awesome and why you think others love your posts.
Than tell everyone again your point and how you must always be right and everyone else wrong while leaving a subtle insult.
broncospwn said:
Huge. said:
but I believe some readers like to read well written and considered responses wherever they happen to occur.

Re-read the first line of my previous post. What the hell do you want.
Really? I doubt many like to read the drivel you post.

Typical format of Huge's posts.
Bag out someone else.
Explain how everyone here are kids and or stupid.
Tell everyone how amazingly awesome you are and how you are a superior human being to anyone else here.
Explain why you think you are awesome and why you think others love your posts.
Than tell everyone again your point and how you must always be right and everyone else wrong while leaving a subtle insult.

Oh snap!
broncospwn.....what you believe to be true is neither here nor there. In other words, your view is of little consequence. I note you read every one of my posts then follow with what you doubtless feel is an hilarious witticism. I have not insulted anyone for quite some time. In that time period you have constantly added insult upon insult and I have not responded. Please, if you must attack me at least show where this alleged format is in evidence.

You are constantly and repeatedly attacking me for reasons that are largely unclear. Enough, I've grown tired of your attacks. They are unwarranted. I seldom complain because I feel more than adequately armed to handle any onslaught but clearly it is time for you to keep your opinion to yourself. The admins here do a reasonable job and I'm asking that they monitor your posts to ensure you are not being offensive. Give it a rest. You don't have to defend the other posters. That's the admins job. You are not the monitor nor arbiter of that which is relevant.

With regard to the actual meat of your complaint i say, please give an example of these claims I'm alleged to have made claiming ..I'm awesome, superior human being,amazing,always right,and others love my posts.

Needless to say you'll find no such claims. I did however point out that I'm above average. It's not bragging if it's true as the yanks say. Such a claim will always upset those who are below average. Bit like a bald man hating a fully haired man because the fully haired man said....................I've got a full head of hair. So I'm asking one last time before asking the admins to look at your constant abuse, don't read what I write and please do not respond. That will save both of us from further angst.
Anyway........ I hope the NRL reviews the salary cap after this
FMD. I do not give a **** about some bitter battle Huge between yourself and 5 other posters. stop carrying on and just post like a normal person. if you are half the man you claim to be and even 1/10th as mature as you claim then you will be able to ignore the insults,Post on topic and just straight up add to the discussion.

Im sick of logging in to view what was the day before a decent discussion only to see yourself and in this case Spwn fighting it out over opinions. FB entered this topic and simply did her job as admin letting you know that a previous poster was correct and in her own "non arguing way" told you to leave it. You decided it was an awesome time to be a man and bag out an admin.

Do me a favour drop the crap and let my topic be what i wanted and that is "A Positive side to a negative problem". If you wish to fight back with me feel free to PM me.

If you have trouble with my crap spelling, do what i have done now, drink a **** load then read it. Worked when i typed it.
Huge. said:
The Storm are the benchmark and will, at least in my eyes, be the NRL champions in the years they successfully contested the GF. The NRL are wrong and this whole sorry saga could have been avoided if the Storm were allowed to pay overs. It is fair and equitable. Remember too, the NRL wants to retain it's stars and stop the exodus overseas and to Union but do they help ?? NO,but they must have guessed when the top tier stayed in league, so they knew and are complicit. Scum administration.

I disagree - read my thread about the Storm starting to piss me off.

I've always voiced my view that the NRL administration needs an overhaul and fresh blood but with this salary cap fiasco... it is Melbourne who are the scum.
Since the story broke, a majority of the people who I've talked to have changed their view point from - "poor Storm" - to "why are they still fielding an illegal team", "they're over by how much", "why haven't they apologised yet"

Lets hope the longer this "fiasco" keeps going on, Melbourne keep playing above the cap, keep getting pity from all sides, keeps getting their faces out there all hard done by, without a shred of contrition, the more the fans will come to realise the scale of the fraud that Melbourne has perpetrated on the NRL, the clubs and the fans, and we will all be united our our glorious hatred of these cheats.

I think this can be a real positive for the game. Nothing unites like a common enemy
draggx...Coxy pointed out the thread was about positives arising from the Storm saga, you followed up with a +1 agreement. I acknowledged the correctness of both of you and commented on the topic alone. That's fair play and the correct way to do things I think you'll agree.

A day and a half later FB comes in with unofficial warning for a first offence. Why the hell was that necessary ?? I'd already acknowledged my mistake and corrected it. I did'nt insult anyone and was not engaging in any war or battle with spwn or any five other posters as you allege. Buggered if I can see what I've done wrong here except to hold opinions that vary from others.
Huge. said:
draggx...Coxy pointed out the thread was about positives arising from the Storm saga, you followed up with a +1 agreement. I acknowledged the correctness of both of you and commented on the topic alone. That's fair play and the correct way to do things I think you'll agree.

A day and a half later FB comes in with unofficial warning for a first offence. Why the hell was that necessary ?? I'd already acknowledged my mistake and corrected it. I did'nt insult anyone and was not engaging in any war or battle with spwn or any five other posters as you allege. Buggered if I can see what I've done wrong here except to hold opinions that vary from others.

Huge, its across more then just this topic. Be happy with Fb giving you an "unofficial" warning. It should not matter if she notices it the next day or the next week as an admin she has a right to warn where she feels it is needed..If you think it wasn't needed Pm Tee or someone and complain.

End of argument/topic.