Cronulla release Greg Bird from his contract

Such a pity. He has played some huge rep games and to lose him is not good. Having said that he is a turdbag of the highest order and deserves to go to jail let alone be sacked for what he did. Not good to lose players of that caliber but there wasn't really a choice in the matter.
He was touted as the next Wally Lewis.....

Its just common knowledge rock live with it...... hahahaha

Good luck finding a link, might n=be out there, but I even remeber it being thrown around, in fact I even think we had a debate about it on here...
So do I, but the skeptic in me wonders if Leeds might've been considering making an offer and are just dirty that they missed out.
Yeah but NSW fans are deadshits anyway, so it's all good.
that leeds boss may have the last laugh if bird gets convicted mid way through the year and his visa gets torn up. And yes he's right its imbarrising that the superleage has become the home of so many ex aussie rejects.
You're right Shaun.

Sydney- NSW media
Brisbane- QLD media.

Brisbane > Sydney

Did Leed's make a play at Bird? If so, than this speech is sour grapes. However, his point is 100% correct. How often do you see businesses scout the crud from other business? How can taking another businesses crud make you more competitive? Same same for RL comp's.

In reality, the ESL clubs are forcing the ESL to be below what it could be. If I ran an English Club, it wouldn't be NRL players I'd be targeting, it'd be NRL trainers/coaches/junior developers/scouts. And then before trying to poach developed NRL players, I'd be throwing decent coin at young kids in TYC and QRL.

Just makes more business sense to me.