Cronulla Sharks sack Seymour

Way to ruin your career Brett. He's only 25 years old and it's unlikely that another club will pick him up (the only other club that takes in strays aside from Cronulla is Canberra, who already have a pretty handy 5/8). When he first came into grade as a teenager, I thought he could have been anything. What a waste of talent.
The stupidity of these players astounds me. Sacked from two clubs now for the same stupid thing. They always think they are invincible.

Hope he is made to dig holes with the council
The article made it clear he didn't embrace the help he was offered.
alcohol problem = bull shit .
We all have alcohol problems the difference is non pro rl people cant get things swept under the carpet.

He's a loser.

Nashy said:
The article made it clear he didn't embrace the help he was offered.

He may not think he has a drinking problem, so could think the help is not needed.
Nashy said:
The article made it clear he didn't embrace the help he was offered.

You can only help people when they are ready to be helped. He may know he has an issue with alcohol and his behaviour yet he hasn't reached that stage in his life where we really wants or needs the help. The rest of us can see that but it is impossible to help someone who doesn't want help.
Addiction is such a cop out. I'd be much more inclined to call it weak willed. It's like if I don't clean the house, it's not because I have an addiction, it's just because I'm farking lazy. There are plenty of real illnesses out there that people have no control over - we don't need made up ones just because somebody can't take personal responsibility.
Yes it's an addiction, but one that can be overcome. From what I've heard, he'd been offered help and support to overcome it but at the end of the day, the motivation to do so has to come from within.
Ari Gold said:
Addiction is such a cop out. I'd be much more inclined to call it weak willed. It's like if I don't clean the house, it's not because I have an addiction, it's just because I'm farking lazy. There are plenty of real illnesses out there that people have no control over - we don't need made up ones just because somebody can't take personal responsibility.

Can people become addicted to ciggies??...Yes
Can people become addicted to gambling??...Yes
Can people become addicted to caffinee??...Yes
can people become addicted to heroine??....Yes...

can someone be addicted to alcohol?? YES!! He does have some form of an addiction. It's not a case of not being able to control himself of being 'weak'. He must have some sort of underlying issues which make him result to this...Maybe playing for cronulla?? [eusa_doh
Addiction is not a disease and is something that can be helped. If someone really wanted to stop and really wanted to take control in their lives, then they would take steps to do so.

I agree with Ari Gold, addiction is a cop out. This is a issue that has been going on for years, even at the Broncos.

Addiction is a not a disease, and to suggest so means that one cannot be helped. It isn't an easy thing to do, but if he really wanted to stop, and I mean truly wanted to stop, he would have done so by now.
Having a disease doesn't mean that one cannot be helped. Diseases generally have cures, or even preventatives. Any addiction is a disease in terms of what it can do to your body.

You are right though. If he truly wanted to stop, then he should have by now. Especially since he was receiving help from the club and his family. You might consider it a weakness, but sometimes there are reasons unknown to others for people to turn to alcohol and/or drugs. It's by no means the best option, and I in no way condone it, but others may use it as some kind of relief.

I don't see it as a weakness, but rather a flaw. It's disappointing that he couldn't sort it out though because it had likely ended his NRL career.
Our Warriors could really use a playmaker. Change of scenary - less cool places to drink, colder weather, uglier chicks - could work wonders for him.
Apart from the cooler weather, he's from Mackay, so I'm sure he's used to the other options you've stated.
The best thing for an alcoholic is to hit rock bottom, until they hit rock bottom they don't have a reason to get help.

If he is indeed an alcoholic hopefully this is the kick in the arse he needs to get his head right.

If he's not an alcoholic and he just wants to get on the piss with his mates then this is exactly what he deserves also.