Crowe to walk away from Souths?

Oh for sure, $100000 per game is huge. That's $12 million a year. They'd need 60000 ticketed members at current rates to match that. And really that's what they'd have to hope for, so that any walk up crowd would be profit.
Crowe may of copped some slack about this but I tell you what In my mind this is the smartest membership drive I've seen for years.

Tell me which other clubs membership drive was plastered all over every newspaper, television station, radio station and internet news site today???

The man singlehandly booked himself a multimillion dollar advertising campaign and it cost the club $100 for a shity camcorder to record and some work experiance kid to hit the send all button on the email data base.

Smart, dam smart
It will fail because it isn't a rally hosted by Ray Martin to get them back into the comp.
At the end of the day, myself (and I know many of you) have waited for the fail of this silly, outdated and Rugby League fan-less club. I like his idea, I hope it doesn't work.

In fact, I wish that club stopped working long ago.
I have seen some more of the the video message. It's hilairous - especially when he starts talking about all the awesome merchandise available in the club store. Dodgy salesman at its finest.
If only the 50000 alleged protestors from 1999 actually bought tickets and merchandise when they got back in the club might actually be worthy of holding an NRL licence.
In all fairness, Souths have fans. The only problem is they aren't RL fans, they just like the "idea" of Souths.
Hambone and Coxucker wouldn't know history if it fucked them up the rectum. Souths must survive.
History smistory! We are supposed to learn the lessons of history and not make those mistakes again. It's bloody football not an empire. If a football team is not viable for as long as South Sydney has been unviable they don't belong any more in the competition and by keeping them in all we do is bring the whole competition down. (A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link)
Rex Hunt said:
Hambone and Coxucker wouldn't know history if it **** them up the rectum. Souths must survive.

Go play with your black dog and hookers clown the Rabbits will not survive!!!!!
And they're slightly less evil than Hank Scorpio.
Hey Hank Scorpio he was that villian from the simpsons right? that guy was a legend don't bring him into this!

..."Why scorpio your totally mad"
Souths are worse than Anna Bligh, Adolf Hitler and anyone from New Zealand combined.

Souths are vital for Rugby League.
Anna Bligh has the MILF factor big time.
Adolf Hitler was a ****.
So are Kiwis.
Don't you watch the news dickhead? An Iraqi journo did that yesterday. What's your point?