David Mead Appreciation Thread



Aug 24, 2017
Yep, it was really well done... he was looking for support and spotted Mead coming up, but instead of just trying to toss it to him straight away, he veered to the left so Teddy had to make the tackle before offloading to Mead.

If Teddy is in that chase does Mead still make it to the try line?
That’s a tough question, hard to be sure.

I am, however, certain that Mead comes away with a minimum 2 week suspension though.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Any one think Copley can be our new reed
**** no.....

Steve Harvey Reaction GIF


NRL Player
Jun 1, 2014
Copley at centre was excellent. Troubled a lot of defenders. But his defense was always suspect. One of his last games with us I think he nearly knocked himself out three times. He got replaced by James Roberts but absolutely towelled Roberts in his first game against us.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
He's playing like his career is nearing its end, and putting 100% because of it. No entitlement, baggage or ego, just gets stuck in and does the best he can every play.

It's the only reason I can think that Oates has been dropped again, those 1%ers and effort plays. He didn't play poorly, and his return runs are invaluable, but would he have been up there following Flegler just in case? I haven't watched the play again, but IIRC Flegler was towards the middle of the field so in reality there was an even chance that there could have been options on the left or the right. So where was Melbourne Coates? Again, the defensive line may have been up more on Mead's side to give him the lead, but Mead was there for it and it buried the game.
Came in here to give Meady some love but needed to agree here. Coates is one of the fastest players in the game and definitely the fastest in the team that played Saturday night so where the **** was he? He has checked out and it is really disappointing to see. Kev should be pulling him aside to tell him that it hasn't gone un-noticed and he has this next game to show he wants to be in the team for the rest of the year or it will be his last for the team.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Mead has really impressed me and it is exactly what I hoped I would see from him. He has always been one of those rare players that although with the opposition he is impossible not to like. A humble, hard worker and team player. Without his efforts we probably don't get that win as that intercept before half time completely changed the context of the game and the teams attitude,

As others have said he is towards the end of his career, getting paid next to nothing and has no real history with the club so is doing this all off the back of pride and maybe some love for the club. A few players in this team could learn a hell of a lot from him.

Thanks David.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Copley made a pretty fucking good tackle at the end last night, which shut down the Roosters final attacking threat before Mead scored the one to put it beyond doubt.

He won’t get wraps for it, but it was a big play.

Indeed he did. Almost made up for the 6 tackles he missed.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
Always wished Copley would find that next gear, even after he went to the chooks and tits. Glad to have him home, always liked him. He's never lit the world on fire but tries his guts out.


Aug 24, 2017
Indeed he did. Almost made up for the 6 tackles he missed.
I don’t quite understand how you meter out your criticisms.

You’ve made it clear from your 2 posts that you’re not impressed with Copley’s efforts, but Milford, for the most part, gets a free pass for his similar efforts.

The only difference I can see between the two is that one just got parachuted into the second worst defensive team after being out of the NRL for quite some time, whilst the other has been a massive contributor to it for the last 4 years.

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