Ennis/Hannant as dogs

Kaz said:
I am more dirty on Hannant, as he said he would never leave QLD & they show him the gold coins & he p!sses off.

You have to be kidding to believe anything a player says. I remember Souths had a fan night or something and Ash Harrison said he won't be going to the Roosters....two or three days later he had signed with them. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

Unfortunately you rarely find any players who will stay loyal to a club in todays footy.
It's a bit different when you're talking about the Broncos though. They are a decent team.
Kaz said:
I am more dirty on Hannant, as he said he would never leave QLD & they show him the gold coins & he p!sses off.


I wish we could keep him, but I'm not dirty on him. A player of his ability demands decent cash and we simply couldn't provide it.
lockyer47 said:
Agreed with the pricing issue, without sounding harsh I think players are asking way more than they are worth these days in relativeness to the salary cap.

The only way players are going to stop asking for so much money is for clubs to stop giving it to them.

It's something the Broncos have been able to do quite successfully in the past - they have always said "This is what we can pay you, take it or leave it" and in the past most players have taken it because they have always thought there were greater benefits at the Broncos than just more money. However on the whole I think those days are now long gone - there are very few players willing to accept that these days - hence why we've had to say good-bye to so many in the past few years.
I understand players taking the money but I would have thought being a one club player and building a dynasty at the one club would be more fulfilling career wise.. Most of us normal people could get a new job every year for more money but where is the satisfaction in that.
Beads6 said:
I understand players taking the money but I would have thought being a one club player and building a dynasty at the one club would be more fulfilling career wise.. Most of us normal people could get a new job every year for more money but where is the satisfaction in that.

That works to a point.

IIRC, the Doggies offer was over 250k. Ours was probably 100k under that.

Many player *could* take 20-30k per year extra elsewhere, but choose to stay put.

For $2,000 or more every WEEK, I can understand it.

$100K more every year to do the same job. Hardly surprising.

We've been spoilt in that we've had "loyalty" since 1988. Unfortunately, those days are over now and hopefully people come and stay because of the brand.
mick! said:
I wish we could keep him, but I'm not dirty on him. A player of his ability demands decent cash and we simply couldn't provide it.

Time will tell us if that statement is true Mick.

IMO, he has potential, not talent. He is still not a shoe-in QLD Rep. and as soon as some of these other young Props start performing, he might struggle to hold any form.

This is similar to why I have such strong views on the "exodus" (myth); the greats try to challenge themselves, not take easy coin. The players that take easy coin (and these days it's happening at far too young an age) may very well never realise their true potential.

This isn't new, many of the old greats were offered more to go to NSWRL, ESL, etc.