Ennis started the fight

Scotty said:
The most ironic thing is Gould calling Sammy T "cowardly" when he pushed Jennings in the back earlier in the game. He didn't say a word when Ennis starts nailing someone in the head who isn't even in a position to defend themselves.

Fark that pissed me off. Thaiday smashed more of his own team than any Blues players anyway. Gould makes me mental angry
The Rock said:
Lolz. Myles elbowed ennis in the head in the tackle. Yet another QLD with "class" LOLZ. (sorry, I just find it funny that you QLD lot claim how much class QLD have when they do that sort of shit and have been doing it for years)

Then Ennis threw sone good punches into the ugly face of Nate Myles and shows him how to fight.

Yeah real tough Ennis, Myles had the ball in one hand ffs! If punching someone who has a footy under one arm is 'showing someone how to fight' god help you if you ever get bailed up. And Myles threw the elbow after one of the other dog ***** grappled him.

A picture paints 1000 words, and the one Kaz posted sums up Ennis perfectly - when it gets a bit tough he curls up into a ball and lets someone else fight his battles.

And ps: we have won 5 in a row and won 3 zip! Suck it!!!!
Remember when you lost 5 years in a row Rocky. Funny.
The Rock said:
[quote="Bucking Beads":2i4dn1o6]
Scotty said:
The most ironic thing is Gould calling Sammy T "cowardly" when he pushed Jennings in the back earlier in the game. He didn't say a word when Ennis starts nailing someone in the head who isn't even in a position to defend themselves.

Fark that pissed me off. Thaiday smashed more of his own team than any Blues players anyway. Gould makes me mental angry

lolz. Don't defend Thaiday though. Thaiday is Always running in like a douche bag, even in club footy mate.[/quote:2i4dn1o6]

Yep, running in to stand up for his mates. What a douche bag. :roll:

Regardless, anything he has done is nothing compared to some of the dog acts from NSW this series. Want to talk about cowardly? Luke O'Donnell punching on with Taylor while Taylors arms were pinned back. Or how about last night when Ennis started punching Myles who wasn't even fucking looking at him? Oh and not only that, he got scared and hid behind Snowden. Weak as piss.

Strangely enough though, I feel like QLD owe him a thank you. Thanks to his brain snap we got the penalty that led to us taking control again and winning the game [icon_lol1. Thanks dickhead!
Je$ter said:
[quote="The Rock":3rbz5cfw]Lolz. Myles elbowed ennis in the head in the tackle. Yet another QLD with "class" LOLZ. (sorry, I just find it funny that you QLD lot claim how much class QLD have when they do that sort of shit and have been doing it for years)

Then Ennis threw sone good punches into the ugly face of Nate Myles and shows him how to fight.

Yeah real tough Ennis, Myles had the ball in one hand ffs! If punching someone who has a footy under one arm is 'showing someone how to fight' god help you if you ever get bailed up. And Myles threw the elbow after one of the other dog **** grappled him.

So... a player that isn't Ennis grapples Myles, and Myles is justified in elbowing Ennis in the face?
THAT makes sense.
I never said Queensland were classy, I also said in regards to the post try celebration (in another thread) that I wouldn't be surprised to see Queensland do something similar. They're footballers, it happens. I can also admit that Queensland aren't angels, of course they fucking aren't. I saw dirty shit from both sides but most of it was from NSW.

And yeah, Thaiday was sticking up for his mates. The fight didn't have to be on, NSW were looking for a stink. That peice of shit Bird had a go at Israel when he wasn't even involved so I don't see a problem with Sam making his presence felt as well. As I said before, NSW have done a shitload worse this series.
The Rock said:
That'5 fine, at lea5t i can admit N5W are grub5 but you lot are so BLIND that it'5 embarra55ing, you think your team are angel5! No 5orry, you think Queen5land have too much "cla55" for a po5t try celebration yet your 5mart ar5e little **** off a fullback 5core5 the winning try and throw5 the ball at Hayne. Lolz. Yep cla55y.

Btw thaiday wa5n't 5ticking up for hi5 mate5, the fight wa5n't even on, there wa5 ju5t a bunch of bloke5 5hirt grabbing yet Thaiday come5 in to be a hero and trie5 to get him5elf into it. Yep all cla55.

**** I hate Queen5land.

Ennis may as well have been slapping Myles. His punches looked pretty soft. Myles didn't even look bothered. Haha
Clintos said:
Ennis may as well have been slapping Myles. His punches looked pretty soft. Myles didn't even look bothered. Haha

Haha, I still can't believe he did it. It was the stupidest possible thing to do. What an idiot. [icon_lol1.
Clintos said:
Ennis may as well have been slapping Myles. His punches looked pretty soft. Myles didn't even look bothered. Haha

Probably because the punches were hitting Myles in the densest and least used part of his body, his skull.
But yeah, he didn't look bothered. I'd hardly say he was shitting himself.
The Rock said:
That's fine, at least i can admit NSW are grubs but you lot are so BLIND that's it's embarrassing, you think your team are angels! No sorry, you think Queensland have too much "class" for a post try celebration yet your smart arse little **** off a fullback scores the winning try and throws the ball at Hayne. Lolz. Yep classy.

Btw thaiday wasn't sticking up for his mates, the fight wasn't even on, there was just a bunch of blokes shirt grabbing yet Thaiday comes in to be a hero and tries to get himself into it. Yep all class.

**** I hate Queensland.

I'm pretty sure the reason he threw the ball at your admittedly grubby fullback was because Jarryd came over the top of Slater, putting elbowing his back, if you're that blind you can't see what Hayne was doing, being a petty hack then you may be officially blind or even disabled.

That's why the maroons were all giving Jarryd a serve, cause he is a petty fool, unable to deal with the fact that he was beaten and rather thought the "classy" thing to do would be to put a late shot on.

Oh, I guess Bird didn't have a cocked arm ready to throw at an outnumbered Izzy?
yeah Slater had every right to be dirty at Hayne, and quite frankly Hayne is lucky to have not been called up on it.

the ball was down on the ground before Hayne even dived at Slater, and when he did dive it was arms up with elbows forward, right into the middle of his back.
The Rock said:
That's fine, at least i can admit NSW are grubs but you lot are so BLIND that's it's embarrassing, you think your team are angels! No sorry, you think Queensland have too much "class" for a post try celebration yet your smart arse little **** off a fullback scores the winning try and throws the ball at Hayne. Lolz. Yep classy.

Btw thaiday wasn't sticking up for his mates, the fight wasn't even on, there was just a bunch of blokes shirt grabbing yet Thaiday comes in to be a hero and tries to get himself into it. Yep all class.

**** I hate Queensland.

I've never said and I don't think anyone else on here has said Qld are angels. But if you watch the replay of the 2nd and 3rd game there is no doubt in my mind which team used more dirty tactics, it was the blues. Sure we may have used a couple face palms, but the constant forearms, facials and other tactics by the blues was ridiculous - I mean they went as far as hair pulling ffs!

Thaiday was just sticking up for his mates, considering it was Tonga and Folau vs 4 blues.
Thaiday was bit wrong to come in like that but it had been leading up to it all game. NSW had played dirty.

The gaylord brothers, Gallen and Bird, had been niggling like champs. Good on QLD for showing them who's the boss for the 5th year in a row! [icon_wink
all he did was run in anyway, no forearms, no punches. just used his body. its not like he ran in and collared someone already in a fist fight...... *cough* waterhouse
Zero need for the niggling and grubby bullshit that came constantly from NSW in game 2 and 3 as well, but that's cool with you right? Because we're blind, and you aren't.
NSW didn't niggle. It was QLD. They were grabbing the Blues' hands and rubbing them in their faces. And headbutting their elbows in tackles. And grappling themselves.

Dirty Queenslanders.

OMG Coxy you blind bastard, you're so friggin blind.

Where's your guide dog anyway blind boy?