So you're saying a global part of every contract then.

Does every team have $10m, but $2m of that are bonuses if players meet "KPI's"? OR does every team have $10m + whatever the bonusses are?

I'm assuming you will go with $10m but $2m are bonusses, which basically means Tigers are playing with an $8m salary cap and Panthers have $10m.

But you still haven't told me what KPI's you are thinking of?? .... if it's wins then players are going to go to the better teams (i.e. panthers, storm, etc.), because they will win more games and hence achieve the KPI's to get their bonusses.
I don't know much about globes other than they make light, or look great in a library..

But you are correct in that it's included.

The salary cap is the salary cap. Why would you think one team is benifited more than another, other than financial mismanagement?

All clubs are subject to same rules, it's just that not all players will realise full pay due to KPIs.

The theoretical salary cap of 10 million; 8 million is guaranteed.

With respect to KPIs as agreed across the board via the union, TBC. I can't solve all of life's problems.

The idea is solid though. Unrealised money goes to grass roots.

Some footage here of it. It's really really bad. Drugs don't make people swerve like this, looks to me like he's distracted by a phone, perhaps the drugs played an additional role. Complete dead shit could have ruined many families lives.

Can't really sack him, because some other club will pick him up at a really good deal. Has to be dealt with by the NRL.
I don't know much about globes other than they make light, or look great in a library..

But you are correct in that it's included.

The salary cap is the salary cap. Why would you think one team is benifited more than another, other than financial mismanagement?

All clubs are subject to same rules, it's just that not all players will realise full pay due to KPIs.

The theoretical salary cap of 10 million; 8 million is guaranteed.

With respect to KPIs as agreed across the board via the union, TBC. I can't solve all of life's problems.

The idea is solid though. Unrealised money goes to grass roots.

It's easy to make your KPI's as a back when your forwards are just rolling through the other team. You got a few blokes making mistakes on your team and you're exhausted from defending, and you gotta do things like hog the ball to make KPIS. Too much dependency on your team to do things like this, and encourages a KPI first thinking instead of a team first thinking.
I don't know much about globes other than they make light, or look great in a library..

But you are correct in that it's included.

The salary cap is the salary cap. Why would you think one team is benifited more than another, other than financial mismanagement?

All clubs are subject to same rules, it's just that not all players will realise full pay due to KPIs.

The theoretical salary cap of 10 million; 8 million is guaranteed.

With respect to KPIs as agreed across the board via the union, TBC. I can't solve all of life's problems.

The idea is solid though. Unrealised money goes to grass roots.
So that sounds like KPIs across the whole league then... like the playing group / RLPA agree to a certain set of standards to be achieved or behavioural KPIs, and if they fail to meet those standards, then they would fail as a group and not receive their bonus??

If so the intent of punishing everyone is sound, because under this scheme it would basically be on all playing groups and senior players to teach the players how to be fucking professionals, which is exactly what's needed.

It also aligns with the playing group and the RLPA wanting to be a genuine stakeholder in the game, which they say every time the CBA comes around for renewal, but to date it's only ended up in them wanting a bigger slice of the revenue pie.

The issue with it is that you need the players to put their money where their mouth is... and that is a really hard sell, because people are fucking selfish.

It could also be said that this kind of thing is already in place through individual players being fined. Pearce got fined like $80k for the dog thing and I'm assuming that just goes back to NRL to feed into whatever, which should be grassroots, but was probably a consultant 'educating' the players about camera phones when you simulate fucking a dog... so that basically means Pearce gets affected for not meeting his 'behavioural KPI's', but the remaining 99% of the group carry on as if nothing has happened.

Which is where the current issue is... it's only Pearce that has learned a lesson from the fine... and we still have morons across the rugba leeg landscape doing stupid shit.

So yep in theory that works, but you need the RLPA and players to actually put their balls on the line... when it is so much easier for them to just collect their cash and tell everyone to be accountable for themselves.
A blood test in Qld on average takes 5 weeks to return a result.

He was given a saliva test which according to the media was positive, for what is not stated, but they only test for indications on Cannabis, Meth and Cocaine.

However he didn’t do the secondary more accurate test, likely because he was conveyed to hospital, as has been reported.

At hospital I suspect (from experience) he was required to provide a specimen of blood under Section 80 (9) of the TORUM Act 1995.

At this point if the above is true, the specimen will still be sitting in a property office somewhere and will be conveyed to Qld Health Scientific Section Laboratories at Nathan in the next week or so. Given who it relates to, it will probably be taken out there at the first available opportunity, ie: 8.00am, Monday morning.
And the test done at the hospital has to follow a strict procedure with a number of steps the nurse must follow correctly. If one tube is labeled or sealed incorrectly that test is not admissible in court or even able to be tested.

Just like with Hass I believe in giving second chances and sometimes even third chances for non violent offences. I believe that is what these sports are for to be honest. To give boys and men who may have ended up in terrible circumstance a physical outlet, goal in life and a chance to better themself.

To see it all thrown away for a stupid mistake made by a young man with a not yet fully developed brain, isn't right. People have been injured which makes it worse but it wasn't intentional violence.

Sometimes a mistake will make the man. Depending on the punishment from the state, league and club this young man may get the chance to prove himself better than his wrongs. I would not fire him but instead enforce a similar punishment that the Roosters utilized for Friend. Make him get a job, making coffees, send him down Wacol or Boggo once a week to chat to some prisoners for a wake up call.

The last thing I believe you should do is terminate him outright. He either learns nothing because another club collects the dregs for unders or he returns home and spirals. Rugby league has always been about giving those from the lower ends of society a place and opportunity. So I hope he turns it around if given the opportunity.
As much as I hate to say it since its a shitty situation and he's hurt innocent people. But this is actually a good out for us. His contract is awful and was purely built of 2023 GF hype. Way, way overpaid cause we were scared to lose him.


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