View attachment 30722

The latest from Ritchie , the muck raking ****.
Doing his worst to put pressure on the NRL .
Talk about create news instead of reporting it.
How many victims of drug drivers are they going to trot out between now and when the NRL hand down their penalty.
This is complete shit from Ritchie. Why the **** is this relevant to the Mam case. No wonder footballers hate the media.

Ezra absolutely in the wrong and is copping his whack but ffs
Why hasn’t anyone followed up on the family with the injured kid?
I believe that they have. It was reported that Ezra called the injured parties on Monday afternoon to apologise. Up until then, he had been advised by his legal team to refrain from contacting them (which is fairly standard practice). The NRL integrity unit also visited both injured parties on Monday afternoon.
CM interviewing the parents of an 11 year old that lost their life from a driver that was excessively speeding (133 in a 50), driving under the influence of drugs (cocaine, meth etc) and alcohol (3 times the limit) and mounted the curb after losing control hitting her and 6 other kids. They want Ezra to receive a 5 year ban.

Come on CM... Surely you're better than this..
I think the Courier mail used to actually stand up for Qld clubs, but I'm thinking the dying newspaper industry resulted in a number of Qld redundancies and they probably have all their editing, oversight, etc. coming from NSW now... evidenced by the lead NRL writer for Qld being a NSW'men... so nowadays I'm assuming they just spew the same narrative as Sydney or do whatever Sydney tells them to do
View attachment 30722

The latest from Ritchie , the muck raking ****.
Doing his worst to put pressure on the NRL .
Talk about create news instead of reporting it.
How many victims of drug drivers are they going to trot out between now and when the NRL hand down their penalty.
Still waiting to hear what suspension Sandon Smith is going to cop for being found guilty of grievous bodily harm
On the Bulldogs site, it seems I am to blame as I support the Broncos. lol

Providing links to prove he wasn't shown favouritism isn't working etc
I genuinely don’t think he’s that smart. I think he gets by because he is so dumb and just prints whatever he’s told to print.
He is an absolute moron... I think he gets tasked with finding the most controversial/infuriating/vile take on something in order to generate engagement... and if he doesn't he'll get sacked, because what the **** else is he good for.

Remember this is the same fucktard that was trying to get the kick off banned.
I think the 6 weeks people here are expecting is going to be delusional, Half a season is what I would expect now especially with the limp wristed legal response, anything less would be a win.

anything regarding our Club is the maximum possible punishment here let's be real.
I think the 6 weeks people here are expecting is going to be delusional, Half a season is what I would expect now especially with the limp wristed legal response, anything less would be a win.

anything regarding our Club is the maximum possible punishment here let's be real.

If they're going to start suspending people for half a season because of the "limp wristed legal response" then they going to be handing out quite a few half season suspensions.

I mean 2025 would start with 4 players missing the first half of the season ... And since there is still over 2 months to go before the season starts, there is time for a few more players to add themselves to this list
I think the 6 weeks people here are expecting is going to be delusional, Half a season is what I would expect now especially with the limp wristed legal response, anything less would be a win.

anything regarding our Club is the maximum possible punishment here let's be real.

Limp wristed ?
You are out of touch . 1st offence every one gets off lightly . Repeat offenders get harsher penalties .

Also did Trindal actually get suspended ? Or did he just sit out the time between his arrest and his court case ?
I'm not fan of Mam at this point in time but I completely agree with all of you. Switch your attention to the judicial system and away from the Broncos and Mam. Reading all the articles and comments the reactions are just idiotic. I'm not saying Mam should have got 5 years or that I'm happy with his punishment but as a fanbase, the club and even the players have all been realistic/acted in a proper fashion.

I hope Mam returns for the GF and scores the winning try just so I can revel in the misery of all our opposing fans (wow I think I need a holiday that's pretty dark for me lol)
Disney Calm Down GIF
CM interviewing the parents of an 11 year old that lost their life from a driver that was excessively speeding (133 in a 50), driving under the influence of drugs (cocaine, meth etc) and alcohol (3 times the limit) and mounted the curb after losing control hitting her and 6 other kids. They want Ezra to receive a 5 year ban.

Come on CM... Surely you're better than this..
I just read that article and what a load of horseshit. Obviously I feel for those people, but to compare what happened with Mam to a guy who was speeding, under the influence of drugs and alcohol, killed 4 children and got 28 years in prison is outrageous.

Yes, I get that he could have done the same thing, but it just the epitome of sensationalism.
Would be nice for the NRL to come out and shut down the talk by announcing the suspension length so people can move on. Next article will be "Mam could have driven his car through crowds of people like that Canadian Incel attack so we should just put him in prison for life".