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The latest from Ritchie , the muck raking ****.
Doing his worst to put pressure on the NRL .
Talk about create news instead of reporting it.
How many victims of drug drivers are they going to trot out between now and when the NRL hand down their penalty.
This is the equivalent of demanding a 10 year sentence for someone running a red light because someone in another case killed a pedestrian
Will the preseason games and all stars count toward his suspension - whatever it ends up being?
This is the equivalent of demanding a 10 year sentence for someone running a red light because someone in another case killed a pedestrian
It’s the off season.
The whole NRL should understand it’s the time to be on your best behaviour.
Limp wristed ?
You are out of touch . 1st offence every one gets off lightly . Repeat offenders get harsher penalties .

Also did Trindal actually get suspended ? Or did he just sit out the time between his arrest and his court case ?

A man of experience.

You been in the back of a paddy wagon once or twice, cobber?
Would be nice for the NRL to come out and shut down the talk by announcing the suspension length so people can move on. Next article will be "Mam could have driven his car through crowds of people like that Canadian Incel attack so we should just put him in prison for life".
So you're saying he could've done a Mr Mercedes... they better go and interview the writer of the show and see what sort of mindset Mam might’ve needed to be in to do such a thing
Will the preseason games and all stars count toward his suspension - whatever it ends up being?
All stars game might count but he could be deemed ineligible for selection.
Don't think preseason games will count. He is likely to be suspended for a specific number of nrl games/rounds.
I don't know what might happen if the number of games he is suspended for goes past State of Origin but in any case if he is not playing for all that time he wouldn't be considered for SOO anyway.
Personally, I wouldn't mind Mam getting a long suspension (or even ripping up his contract) - he was an idiot, he was lucky it didn't end up worse, and we need to demand better from our players.

However, in saying all that, given the reaction by the media and opposition fans, I hope he gets a 1 week suspension (which a trial game can be used for) just out of spite - and then he goes on to win the 2025 Dalley M, Clive Churchill, and Wally Lewis medals. **** them all.

If we have any real influence on the NRL ir Integrity Unit, I hope we use it.
he fucked up but fmd. The amount of people on Facebook wanting him hung or at the least given a season or two out is mental.
They’re out of touch with reality. The same people probably enable their own kids drug use


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