Fair cop - but I'm still a scapegoat, says Smith

mick! said:
Hammo said:
bianc is generalising Emma. She isn't addressing you, she's addressing the forum a whole. IMO, bianc is 110% correct.

This forum is very biased....and I guess being a Broncos forum, that bias is somewhat expected.

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

Maybe, but when Hodges was outed for a third of the season, did you see MOST of the forum whinging about the judiciary? Or did you see most of the forum calling Hodges a wanker and saying expressly that it was a given?

Agreed, Hammo?
I didn't reply because when I first saw the question, a week ago, I thought it was too long a bow to draw. I always seem to be devils advocate around here lately and decided to step back. However, I have been coaxed.

Hodges was already Broncos enemy Number 1, prior to his first then second suspension. I'd hardly call that a similar circumstance.

FTR, I know some on this forum are quite interesting to read, some (many who are regulars) have footballing opinions I value. However, their are also quite a few who seem to be not only be biased (extreme bias is plain unintelligent), but also follow a trend.

Mick, without defending yourself or a belief you have, you can't honestly say that the Storm hatred on this forum, didn't become so loud, until they became so successful (albeit 1 from 3 isn't very successful [icon_wink ). Maybe it was a coincidence that their success rose as their grubby tactics increased, who knows.

I call it like I see it and I don't remember many Storm haters until 2006.
That was about when Michael Crocker joined them wasn't it? One of my most hated players in the game, and a dirty grub.

That had a huge bit to do with my loathing of the Storm, and before them, the Roosters.
Hammo said:
Mick, without defending yourself or a belief you have, you can't honestly say that the Storm hatred on this forum, didn't become so loud, until they became so successful (albeit 1 from 3 isn't very successful [icon_wink ). Maybe it was a coincidence that their success rose as their grubby tactics increased, who knows.

No argument from me on that. And no argument that this place is of course very biased towards the Broncos. It's a Broncos forum run by and for Broncos fans FGS!

I just took exception to the fact that yourself and others basically are as bad as those you are complaining about. While many people are bagging Melbourne "just because", there are others who won't accept hearing one bad word about any other club, and pulling out the "110% of this forum are uneducated, biased morons" every time someone disses the Storm.

It's been a case of the pot calling the kettle b*ack for some time now. (sorry about the asterisk, didn't want to be racist [icon_lol1. )
The Rock said:
And Hammo, if people want to hate the Storm just because they are successful then let them be. Why is that so bad? It's one of the reasons why people hated Manly and Broncos in the 90's, who cares, that's rugby league for ya.

Let it be? No. It's ignorant Shaun.

I hate you Shaun, why? Because your short. Doesn't sound very intelligent doesn't it?

Mick, I have agreed and actually posted about almost all the distastful things Bellamy and Storm have done of late. I have an excuse for my liking them, which is far from biased.
Who are you to say whether people's reasons for disliking the Storm are ignorant?
I will own up to being someone who hates teams more when they're having success, but maintain that I don't hate them because of their success. I think that's an important distinction. Canberra, Tigers and Cowboys are examples of teams that have enjoyed success at certain times, but have never earned my hatred.

Melbourne I hate for all the reasons other people have outlined, Bulldogs because of all their off-field drama, St George and the Roosters because of certain people who are/have been involved with the clubs. Whatever the reasons, I like hating these teams because it just makes every week that little bit more interesting. Some people don't feel passionately either way about teams other than their own, and that's fine too, whatever works for you.

When a team isn't going well, it's just human nature that your passion for hating them drops. You don't necessarily start to like them, but you feel as though they're getting "punished" for being assholes by getting beaten every week and your anger subsides.

There's also the fact that successful teams are high profile teams, which means you see and hear more of their players, they get more televised matches, and they are generally more exposed. Maybe people didn't hate Melbourne before 06 because they simply never saw them? Unless you had Foxtel it was pretty easy to forget they were there with the amount of coverage they received on FTA.
I hate Melbourne because of:

- Dirty Tactics
- Continuous breaking of rules
- Onfield whinging for EVERYTHING
- Craig Bellamy
- Brian Waldron (or however you spell the douchbags name)
- They created two of the most disgusting tackling techniques in league
- They are the reason the quality of game is turning to shit with all their onfield bullshit
- No sportsmanship from most of their players
- Craig Bellamy (that's right, again)
- I find them to have been very over-rated this year, sure, they made it to the GF, and were MPs, but they lost and only just won some pretty "easy" matches, yet all the wankers (yes, I'm calling some people on here, and in the league community wankers) who bow to their feet seem to forget the fact they have actually played shit in quite a few matches.
- And Craig Bellamy.
The Rock said:
we hate them for that
The Rock said:
I don't hate them just because they are successful. I have stated my 10 or whatever reasons in another thread.
schmix said:
I will own up to being someone who hates teams more when they're having success
schmix said:
Melbourne I hate
Nashy said:
I hate Melbourne

I don't know where I came up with HatersHQ...
Why is it so bad to hate?? Let us Hate in peace Hammo!!! Do I even need a reason to hate them?? The Purple Jersey is reason enough IMO.
Coxy said:
Who are you to say whether people's reasons for disliking the Storm are ignorant?

Public forum. I am Hammo. Some dude on a computer in Everton Park. Who are you to question me saying whether people's reasons for dislking the Storm are ignorant? [icon_confu [icon_wink
Beads6 said:
Why is it so bad to hate?? Let us Hate in peace Hammo!!! Do I even need a reason to hate them?? The Purple Jersey is reason enough IMO.

It's a public forum, people can hate as much as they want. That said, I can highlight that hate and hate that hate. [icon_confu [icon_wink
Hammo said:
I don't know where I came up with HatersHQ...

And I don't know why I thought you might respond to what I actually said. It's been pretty clear so far that as soon as someone speaks some sense you take your stirring spoon and flee [icon_wink
Pfft...by not responding to one reply? Hardly setting a trend.

P.S. Very little sense gets spoken on this forum, when the name Melbourne Storm comes up.
Hammo said:
Pfft...by not responding to one reply? Hardly setting a trend.

P.S. Very little sense gets spoken on this forum, when the name Melbourne Storm comes up.

Just because people don't always call you up on it doesn't mean it goes unnoticed.
Hammo said:
Pfft...by not responding to one reply? Hardly setting a trend.

P.S. Very little sense gets spoken on this forum, when the name Melbourne Storm comes up.

Maybe you should start a forum called PissingInPocketsOfMelbourneHQ
Hammo said:
Hate, hate, hate.

It's the haters ball! :P


what can i say about your suit that already hasnt been said about afghanistan.