Fantasy Footy

ok guys, ive given jeza admin rights to start a new league on the site. Ill try and get a "how to play" screen up on the site this week. The major hurdle i see is the draft. U guys will have to draft on your own, and then jeza can enter the selections in afterwards.

But firstly the scoring needs to be worked out, or you wont have a clue who u want to draft lol. There are default scoring options however, so maybe just leave it at that for now, and suggest any changes to jeza once u guys are registered. Any questions, pm or fb me

For site updates and news, add on facebook.
I'll play as well, if only for the chance to annoy Jeza.
Can everyone who is playing post their email addresses here, or pm them to jeza? He will send invites from the site once he has made the league
Ok Queenslander, Im in. What now.

We now need to figure out the points system and then we can do a draft.

Also I can lower the squad size from 25 if we can decide on another number thats suitable
Yup, just as jeza said, decide on a scoring system.. once u have done that, then u can use the Research tab to figure out the best players, then do ur draft
We now need to figure out the points system and then we can do a draft.

Also I can lower the squad size from 25 if we can decide on another number thats suitable
I don't think we can go much lower than 25, what with rep games and injuries involved...
Willing to set up more leagues on my site if anyone is interested. You will need a league of 8. If interested PM me