Favourite athlete

Roberto Baggio, Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi, Joe Stevenson, Chuck Liddell, Quinton Jackson, Anderson Silva, Matt Serra are all awesome
No brainer for me:

1. Steve Waugh (suprise suprise). I've followed his career since the late 80's. His mental strength and composure as well as his professionalism in every situation are some of the main reasons. I could write a novel explaining why but think that mose people probably know.

2. Nadia Commanci. Was my inspiration to start and suceed in gymnastics. Got to meet her in about 1994 and it was most exciting!!

3. Darren Lockyer. So naturally talented. Humble. Doesn't make a fuss or carry on about things (see Steve Waugh explaination). Brings that extra something to the game. One of the few people that can pull off magical game breaking finishes, constantly. And he's hot.
This might seem strange considering he was probably the greatest ever player for the rival club of my football team, but I have endless respect for Alan Shearer. His athleticism, mental strength and sportsmanship were amazing. A true gentleman and fantastic player too.
Ken Griffey Jr.....how awesome is he?!!!! 4 more homers and he's 5th on the all time list. Yay JUNNNIORRRRR!
Paul Mercurio for mine.

I met Susie O'Neil at the shops today. We were both waiting to be served and just started chatting, for about 10 minutes or so - she really is a lovely person.
Lachy said:
Would've been there sooner if he wasn't injured so damn much.
I know...but he overcame, got fat and made it! He probably would be the leading HR of all time if not for those few years out of the game!
Don't know if these guys are classed as 'athletes' as such, but still sportsmen none the less... And really to do these things you gotta be fit and talented...

Although he's only new on the block.... Lewis Hamilton!
Despite being drop-dead gorgeous, the kid has a shit load of talent.... with any luck he'll be better then Schumacher, big call that, but he's gotta be up there..

Also Love Valentino Rossi... champion, very talented and a great fun personality
wally said:
Although he's only new on the block.... Lewis Hamilton!
Despite being drop-dead gorgeous, the kid has a shit load of talent.... with any luck he'll be better then Schumacher, big call that, but he's gotta be up there..

Formula 1 was the first sport I ever followed, and I was fanatical about it for many years, but Lewis has put me off it altogether. I cannot stand him and I've lost all interest in the sport thanks mainly to his influence.
Why what's he ever done?? He seems a pretty down to earth kid, not overly up himself yet.

Schumacher was an arrogant uphimself **** that i couldn't stand. His attitude and Ferrari's attitude when he was at the top was pretty disgusting. Sure he was a great driver and stuff but just can't stand him and the way Ferrari used to make Barrichello let Schumacher through.

I used to watch bits and peices with Dad, but i always hated Schumacher... I'd much rather watch Hamilton race then Schumacher and the dirty tactics he and Ferrari employed.... I've found myself infront of the formula 1 multiple times this year, when i'm doing assignments at the last minute... before i know it i'm fully focussed on the tv and not doing the assignment thats due in like 8hrs!
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
Bret Hart
Samoa Joe
Brock Lesnar
The Great Muta
Randy Couture
Steve Renouf
Darren Lockyer
Stacey Jones
Sabu_2008 said:
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
Bret Hart
Samoa Joe
Brock Lesnar
The Great Muta
Randy Couture

Up to here I'm like, WhoTF is that?

Steve Renouf
Darren Lockyer
Stacey Jones

Redeemed yourself with these selections :P
dukey said:
wally said:
Although he's only new on the block.... Lewis Hamilton!
Despite being drop-dead gorgeous, the kid has a shit load of talent.... with any luck he'll be better then Schumacher, big call that, but he's gotta be up there..

Formula 1 was the first sport I ever followed, and I was fanatical about it for many years, but Lewis has put me off it altogether. I cannot stand him and I've lost all interest in the sport thanks mainly to his influence.

Kimi Raikonnen #1
I was/am a huge fan of the superfish. And libby/liesel too. And its odd because I don't really follow swimming. Loved Gilly and Stuart Law. And er, almost every bronco to ever play.