An embarrassing turn-out of around 52,000 across three finals games at Allianz Stadium last weekend left the game's bosses red-faced and searching for answers.
Panthers boss Gould believes the NRL is paying the price for fawning over the Broncos and Storm and neglecting the nine Sydney clubs
"I often wonder if the NRL cares about the Sydney clubs," he said on the weekly
Six Tackles with Gus podcast.
"My feeling has been for over a decade that (the NRL thinks) as long as Melbourne and Brisbane were doing well, rugby league was doing well.
"You might think that's a biased view from a bloke who grew up in Sydney, but the figures sort of back it up.
"I wonder where the game will be in 10 years' time. I wonder how many Sydney clubs there'll be.
"I wonder if the NRL really cares how many Sydney clubs there'll be because within the game there is a feeling that Melbourne and Brisbane are the lamplighters, they're the ones."
Gould said the NRL's attitude was also impacting on clubs outside of Sydney.
"Look at the poor old Warriors. They've just allowed them to descend into an embarrassment," he said.
"Look at where Newcastle is now. There just hasn’t been enough care taken with the promotion and development of our game."