44 000 tickets have been sold and they're expecting a crowd of 50 000.Once again, Brisbane does it's bit to support Rugby League.As far as this weekend is concerned, I was considering going to the game, but Jarryd Hayne pulling out and going to the NFL was the final straw. Without Slater, JT, SBW - it was already a tough sell but Hayne just gave everyone the impression that this was the B squad (which to an extent it is) and I think they're over Rugby League at this point.Looking forward to the matches and I'm going to make it my job to follow this tournament. As for the opening game, it will be interesting to see what sort of reception Samoa gets at Suncorp. I'd imagine they'll be the fan favourites going in, especially with Josh McGuire locking the scrum base and as a Broncos fan, I'm excited to see how he goes against the Burgess boys and Graham. Unfortunately, I think that brawl on the eve of the match will likely cruel their chances and I can see England scoring a comfortable victory in a high scoring contest.I reckon the Kiwis are actually a good chance of upsetting the Australians. Kangaroos are fielding one of their weakest line-ups in sometime and will be vulnerable, especially if they go in with any sort of arrogance. I reckon this will be a tight, frustrating sort of game where the Aussies just manage to kick clear late as the Kiwis struggle to replace Luke.