Gallen's poor sportsmanship

What about Gidley taking a dive onto Sam Thaiday trying to get a penalty.

I would love to see penalties given for blatant milking.
Or Gidley stopping Yow Yeh for running to the 20m Tap. That ticks me off.
That raises a question... as far as I know, the quick tap was only brought back in for those players which caught the ball on the full in the in goals. Why then, was soward allowed to pick up a dead ball and have a quick 20m tap?
Gallen, as good of a player as he is becoming, is a dick. a dick that cant accept that the better team won.

NSW clearly had the better rub of the green with the refs.

- Gasniers pass to Uate for his try was deadset ~1m forward.
- a few knock-ons from NSW went missed, or they got given dubious penalties for strips.
- the softest penalty try youll ever, EVER see.
- the usual grubby elbows and forearms all over the QLD players' heads in every tackle.

and ill gladly admit i was one of the ones booing him during his speech. hes a disrespectful idiot, why should i respect him?
See Hayne carry on in the papers this morning about Cam Smith being an idiot. WTF.

He does realise he'll be the Aussie captain from next year for however long it takes. He does realise he's one of the best players we will ever see? Ha ha. Nice one Jarryd Diver Hayne.
See Hayne carry on in the papers this morning about Cam Smith being an idiot. WTF.

He does realise he'll be the Aussie captain from next year for however long it takes. He does realise he's one of the best players we will ever see? Ha ha. Nice one Jarryd Diver Hayne.

And the biggest :duh: about what Hayne's said is that he's been guilty of late knees on players before himself! So he's just called himself an idiot! :lol:
Hayne just likes being in the papers.
my favourite part was where Hayne said "I probably would've blown up a bit more if we weren't so far behind on the scoreboard.".........blown up a bit MORE?! he didnt blow up at all because he was too busy taking a dive pretending he got knocked out cold from a slight knee to the back lol.
Come on, Hayne saved a chick from drowning... Surely he was still sore from that and Cam Smith made it worse.
my favourite part was where Hayne said "I probably would've blown up a bit more if we weren't so far behind on the scoreboard.".........blown up a bit MORE?! he didnt blow up at all because he was too busy taking a dive pretending he got knocked out cold from a slight SHIN to the back lol.

Fixed your post. :)
Bryan Fletcher. Grenade.

End thread.
Wow... Still quite a lot of butt hurt there Rocky.
I know 6 in a row is a lot, but you need to let it go mate or it will eat you up! :cuckoo:
Stupid Queenslanders.

It was all in the heat of the moment - **** gets said, **** gets done - Get over it.

Do you want me to go over the Queenslanders that have displayed poor sportsmanship over the years? Seriously? Heck why not. Justin Hodges pointing at Buderus and telling him that Smith is number 1 and Buderus is number 2. In fact, Justin Hodges PERIOD. Gorden Tallis swearing and giving it to the crowd after Dane Carlaw scored the winning try. Johnathan Thurston LAUGHING at Brett Kimmorley after Bowen intercepted his pass. (One of the worst displayed of poor sportsmanship I've ever seen in sport)

Do I have to go on? Queenslanders are just as bad, if not worse in this department and yet you've having a carry on about few displayed of poor sportsmanship? Seriously, Queenslanders have to be the MOST one-eyed supporters out of any sport, in the whole entire sport. I can't believe what I am seeing here.

Calling Danny Buderus no. 2 isn't bad sportsmanship it's just part of the game.

If someone had a sign calling my mum a pig I wouldn't swear at them, I'd jump the fence and kick the **** out of them.

Brett Kimmorley deserved to be laughed at more often.
What? It's a post try team celebration. Since when were post-try celebrations bad sportsmanship?

If a post try celebration is not bad sportsmanship then I am sure sledging Buderus isn't bad sportsmanship.
Why are you all giving him more fuel to keep going, you're not ever going to beat him or change his mind. Give it up.

His pathetic state just lost 6 series in a row. There is nothing you can possibly say that will beat that.

Do you want me to go over the Queenslanders that have displayed poor sportsmanship over the years? Seriously? Heck why not. Justin Hodges pointing at Buderus and telling him that Smith is number 1 and Buderus is number 2. In fact, Justin Hodges PERIOD. Gorden Tallis swearing and giving it to the crowd after Dane Carlaw scored the winning try. Johnathan Thurston LAUGHING at Brett Kimmorley after Bowen intercepted his pass. (One of the worst displayed of poor sportsmanship I've ever seen in sport)

thats all just part of the on-field sledging though, its not poor sportsmanship. the gorden tallis incident is different though, as it was a vulgar taunt against his mum.

gallen whinging about the referees in the post match interviews without even acknowledging that Queensland were the better team or congratulating them, well thats just poor sportsmanship.
Just for Rocky to get nostalgic, here's a photo of the last time NSW celebrated a State of Origin series win.


Now, for the trivia buffs, how many of those players were there on Wednesday night?

I count 2. LOLZ!
The others were some of the backup staff, which totalled about 500.


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