Fatfita just walks off the mark and pushes the second marker about five meters back.
are u fucking kiddingh me for **** sake that is not a fucking penalty
That is a disgraceful decision I will admit. There was nothing in that Dugan just took a dive.
Guess all of Loz's whinging has paid off. At least it's in a dead rubber.
This reffing is so bad that it can't simply be incompetence
Guess all of Loz's whinging has paid off. At least it's in a dead rubber.

this is what worries me though i hate rorting in any game. and the fact this is happening in dead rubber just screams of some one having big money on this game
McGuire was tugging on his hair like he was trying to start a mower ;)

Didn't see that, but surely it's a penalty either way. Why even have a second ref looking at the play the ball?
If we score here, I'm gonna piss myself laughing.

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