Gold Coast NRL club hires `fetish-porn' star to train under-20s squad

hey dukey..what do you do with the second minute ?, I usually phone a friend and tell them how great I was, sometimes I'll go 8 or 9 pumps...shouldn't brag, but I am bit of a stallion !!
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No offence intended, though of course you're not interested in attracting me anyway are ya? :P

Admire your dedication and the hard work you do.

Hehe, no mate, I've got my eye on big pete ;-)

Seriously though, I understand your view, there is an ugly side to "bodybuilding" but its very much with those who take things to unhealthy and or illegal extremes - physically and emotionally.

For those who truly do it 'naturaly' and have a healthy balance in their lives it certainly isn't ugly.
What I find so ugly about body builders is what seems to me is their intent to make every muscle so big. Nothing wrong with toned and muscled (although both words are foreign to my body!), but I think it looks ridiculous when people have triceps and biceps that are their bigger than their head.
Female body builders are just well yuck.
I prefer a woman to not have six pack abs as it's just to manly IMO.

Also I agree with Ari that too big is not attractive but I do admire the dedication and effort these guys put in to get there.
Hehe, no mate, I've got my eye on big pete ;-)

Seriously though, I understand your view, there is an ugly side to "bodybuilding" but its very much with those who take things to unhealthy and or illegal extremes - physically and emotionally.

For those who truly do it 'naturaly' and have a healthy balance in their lives it certainly isn't ugly.

Yeah, it's when the guys aren't in competition mode and they still look like they're wearing a muscle suit that I just can't stomach. And yes, competition does make you guys look a bit...weird. The tan, the oil, the tiny heads and massive bodies. LOL

But like I said, certainly can't knock anyone who can build their body like that fully naturally.
I've never found muscular women attractive, be fit by all means.. but abs on a lady looks wrong IMO. Besides, women intimidate me enough as it is without having the ability to kick the shit out of me.