Graham Murray should go?

Dave said:
Kee said:
Funny lot up there in Townsville. eusa_think
The same thing happened to Sheens and he built that team up.The same stories on players not liking him were going around then.
Speaking to a Mum of a Cowboy player at the Broncs leagues club at the time and she said the players loved Sheens and were really upset when he got shown the door.

Yeah I know Sheens didnt get them into a semi but he did the hard yards with the team he had to start with and showed them the white chalk really wasnt going to poison them

From living in Townsville for a few years most Cowboys supporters seem to have a vastly different opinion of Sheens Kee - they say he was never at training (apparently he lived on Magnetic Island and Super League chartered a helicopter for him to get to training) and was almost a ghost around the club - content to just show up on game days and collect his oversized pay packets from Uncle Rupert. Most Townsville people credit Sheens for getting them in the bad spots they have been in over the years.

On the current situation with the Cowboys - rumour has it Thurston is running the show at the moment with Murray on the sidelines - Thurston was "Visibly upset" when Murray got the boot - come on JT give us some credit - he does not rate Murray and cannot wait for him to go is what I hear from NQ.

Jt showed his feelings towards on Friday night when he completely ignored him.
Sheens was a guy who would promise alot of things to players, but backtracked when on these promises as soon as dollars were flashed in front of his face.

Case Study: Jason Death v Steve Walters
Hey!I am only going by what a woman who's son was playing under Sheens at the time and they were very upset when he got the flick.

He actually owned a property up there and in the floods he swam the creek to get to training.I believe he treated the boys very well from what I have heard.
Anyhow it seems they just flick anyone at that club and don't really give a stuff about the supporters or the footy team apart from JT.
My understanding was JT and Murray were so close that was a lot of the problems with the other guys.
Gees he has a rep(JT)and it's covered pretty quickly what he gets up to.Has a free reign.Not one he would have if WB for instance were the coach.

I supported the Cows 2nd and always have since day one but now that JT has become so big up there and Murray such a media mole it has turned me off the footy team to an extent.Bowen the exception.

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