Grand Final Discussion

Not sure if this belongs here but it is GF discussion.

Next year or soon after the commission surely have to get the Qcup and NSWRL winners to play each other on GF day.

There are several ways to make it happen. Having the 2 winners meet is simple but it would be hard to get back up for another GF after winning your local comp.

Another way is to have a final 8 made up from the 4 top sides from both comps making sure the respective state sides play each other. So essentially have a final 4 and you would have to beat your local sides first which makes you premiers of the local comp then play for an interstate final on GF day. A total of 4 weeks finals.

GF day would be under 20s, interstate GF then the big one.

That is a great idea. Maybe a gateway to a National Tier 2 competition.
I thought this as well when watching it. Perrett was pissed for all of a second then got up and threw the ball in the air to celebrate and move on, until Stag and Inu come over to start the scrap. Very ordinary from Tolman, hopefully gets made an example of once and for all for the biters in the game.
Apart from that, the atmos at the game was awesome, so much blue and white it was unbelievable. Never seen the crowd so one sided at a GF, and in saying that, dogs supporters were great (storm as well), good friendly banter (not including Belmore Streets haha)
Graham is the older unhealthy twin, hence his nickname, BUPA.
Ahh yeah bugger, meant Graham. Sorry Tolman.
Just read that Graham is pleading Not Guilty as well.....
Plus it's not in the guidelines so he'll probably get off ;-)
what about when mini rooster pleaded not guilty . everyone thought it was a joke. but then he got off being a kamakasi ninja. this pommy kisser might get off
Remember that time when one of Freddie's sentences made sense
Honestly Graham has to get at least 8 weeks. Todd Greenberg and his bullshitting can't get him out of this.
Honestly Graham has to get at least 8 weeks. Todd Greenberg and his bullshitting can't get him out of this.

thats what was said . when rooster player mini minichelo pleaded not guity too a headhigh tackle a few months ago