Greatest rugby league player you've seen

Best you get your eyes checked then...

Are you related to Brad Fitler in anyway?? Are you Brad Fitler?? It would make sense.
No i'm not. Back when I was first following Rugby League which was 1999 I lived in NSW therefore i support the Blues in origin and followed the Roosters then aswell. Since moving to Queensland I have followed the Broncos passionatley they are a club i bleed for, and in Congragulate Darren on a wonderful career he is a legend and role model.In spite of this Brad Fittler is my favourite player off all time he was my hero and he still is, with Locky being my 2nd favourite.
Yeah I know, I just hate how rain man is the default setting when referring to autism and aspergers for the majority of people

Most people are pretty ignorant of the whole spectrum, true.
I have no problem with Fitter being your favourite player Broncoman (as you say two posts back) but I struggle to see him as the greatest player

Big difference between favourite and greatest
My issue with Fittler was he could often go long periods without doing anything in a match but then in the last 20 minutes would setup a try or run by a few tired forwards and people would forget he was anonymous for the first hour. Lockyer and Johns are far and away the best two players I have seen.
His quick reaction was amazing. He was planning on a long cut out pass but the opposition raced up too quick, so he changed his footing and direction and sort of dugged the pass through to the winger. Just awesome.

he did that sort of thing throughout his career. players would rush up on him and he would quickly change from a pass to a kick, a kick to a pass or simply a step and run through the gap. but that was the magic of Lockyer, if you rushed up to cut out his time, he would hurt you, but if you stood back and gave him room he would hurt you.