Greg Bird guilty of assaulting girlfriend

He'll be sentenced June 22.
If it was in qld, he would be a fair chance of going in for a while, but after what happened with Nick D'Arcy, he probably won't be binned.
SURELY given the hysteria about glassings they're going to have to make an example of him!
It will be interesting to see the sentence that he gets. They have to give him something substantial.
Playboy Bunny said:
It will be interesting to see the sentence that he gets. They have to give him something substantial.

They should put him in an all female prison. He'd make a great soprano.
2-4 years is overboard, he deserves jail time but not much(I'm not condoning anything, it's just put into perspective with other much worse crimes which get 2-4 years).I think he deserves 6 months to a year, he didn't cause any permenant damage, just a few bruises which we're gone after a week, He's a grub and deserves jail time, but if i said anymore than a year I would be biased because i can't stand him. If he doesn't have any history of violence he will probaby be granted bail and perhaps a shit load of community service hours, especially because his girlfiend is basically backing him and refusing to give any statements.

I trust the judge to give him what he deserves though, but I really can't see him getting much when the person who got glassed is defending him.
Ok so he didn't cause any permenant damage...but he MAY have. He could have taken her eye out! What about people that charged for attempted murder? Obviously they didn't murder anyone because its only attempted...but....??
Scars aren't permenant damage? Since when?

He deserves to be made an example of, glassings have to stop. Perfect opp to show the country that the shit won't be taken lightly.

If he gets away with it, it send the opposite message.
Playboy Bunny said:
Ok so he didn't cause any permenant damage...but he MAY have. He could have taken her eye out! What about people that charged for attempted murder? Obviously they didn't murder anyone because its only attempted...but....??
Look I agree 110%, but from personal expereince, women I know before have been bashed but because the men in quesiton were first time offenders and no permenant marks were left (My bad nashy, I didn't realise she had scars)they basically got away and the only thing the woman could do was get a restraining order, honestly pathetic. I've seen at least 2 different cases of dmoestic violence where the men hardly get any punishment, and get nothing at all if the girl doesn't back it up, This girl living in the same stret as me got punched square in the face and had a black eye, police came she told them nothing, (police knew what happened) and the man who did it got no punishment, I read a few articles quoting his girlfriend saying she fully supports him and will back him up which is why i think he wont get anymore than a year and may get off without any jail time at all.

You make a good point, she could of been blind, and I agree nashy an example needs to be set because glassing people especially around the head area can turn out very badly, but with no one actually pressing charges, and the person who he hurt supporting him, how much do you really think he would get?
Yeah but the funny thing is the reason he did get found guilty is not because of the incdient as his GF isn't making a statement but more so for the fact that he lied so much to the police when it happened. Which I am guessing they will probably base the sentence on instead of the actual incident. What he should get for something like this?? I resally have no idea but I think at least a year with MAYBE early parol on good behaviour would be a likely outcome.
Playboy Bunny said:
Yeah but the funny thing is the reason he did get found guilty is not because of the incdient as his GF isn't making a statement but more so for the fact that he lied so much to the police when it happened. Which I am guessing they will probably base the sentence on instead of the actual incident. What he should get for something like this?? I resally have no idea but I think at least a year with MAYBE early parol on good behaviour would be a likely outcome.
Well yeah, his lying pretty much caught him out.
I can' stand the grub, and the fact that some grubby moronic club in the esl signed a person who glasses women and made him captain is unbelievable to say the least. I hope he gets atleast a year's jail, but i just get the strange feeling he won't get much at all.