Hate Manly Week

Did anyone see that Grub Matai holding his fingers above the head of one of his team mate during OUR national anthem??? What would happen if an Aussie did something during the haka or NZ anthem?????
I thought it was funny. If you can't take the piss during the Australian anthem than when can you?
I thought it was funny. If you can't take the piss during the Australian anthem than when can you?
I could live with an Australian taking the piss of the Australian anthem, but not a ####ing Kiwi grub such as Matai! :ranting:
Brett Stewart would do well to remember that just because you're found not guilty of something in court doesn't mean you didn't actually do it ..
Brett Stewart would do well to remember that just because you're found not guilty of something in court doesn't mean you didn't actually do it ..

True, but this isn't a Greg Bird case. I've heard from so many people "in the know" that there was less than nothing in this. BUT, that doesn't make the decision to suspend him wrong, especially since, aside from the allegations, he got pissed off his nut at an official NRL function and acted like a dick, along with a couple of his teammates.
True, but this isn't a Greg Bird case. I've heard from so many people "in the know" that there was less than nothing in this. BUT, that doesn't make the decision to suspend him wrong, especially since, aside from the allegations, he got pissed off his nut at an official NRL function and acted like a dick, along with a couple of his teammates.

Ah ok, fair enough .. Must admit I've become a cynic when it comes to footballers' attrocities as far as presuming guilt. A lot of those sydney clubs seem to be infested with old admin crocodiles who're probably capable of pulling a lot of strings to get their boys out of trouble etc .. In the case of Brett Stewart it seemed to play out in a very strategic manner - ie the club drumming up all sorts of female character references to demonstrate what a nice / respectful guy he was + the girlfriend holding hands with him on every trip in and out of court .. But then a few months after the court win the relationship suddenly ends .. It all seemed far too convenient to me and so similar to the Greg Bird case. I figured the clubs had 'got to' both of those girls and told them exactly how those situations were going to play out over the ensuing months and how they'd be 'looked after' in return for their cooperation.
Ah ok, fair enough .. Must admit I've become a cynic when it comes to footballers' attrocities as far as presuming guilt. A lot of those sydney clubs seem to be infested with old admin crocodiles who're probably capable of pulling a lot of strings to get their boys out of trouble etc .. In the case of Brett Stewart it seemed to play out in a very strategic manner - ie the club drumming up all sorts of female character references to demonstrate what a nice / respectful guy he was + the girlfriend holding hands with him on every trip in and out of court .. But then a few months after the court win the relationship suddenly ends .. It all seemed far too convenient to me and so similar to the Greg Bird case. I figured the clubs had 'got to' both of those girls and told them exactly how those situations were going to play out over the ensuing months and how they'd be 'looked after' in return for their cooperation.

Yeah, main difference in the cases was that Stewart cooperated fully with the police, Bird didn't. Stewart was cleared at trial. Bird was convicted. Bird then concocted a BS story with his girlfriend to get off on appeal, then they broke up.

Classic BS story. He's guilty as sin and should've done his time IMO.

Stewart though, honestly I think he did nothing wrong and this is a classic case of a silly girl trying to make a name for herself. Think Kim Duthie. Thankfully we didn't give her that publicity.
I think at the time I was more upset that Anthony Wifebasher didn't get in more trouble.

I also still harbour bitterness that people don't know that he was found GUILTY of the most attrocious domestic violence, was sentenced AND never stood down from the NRL. It was all swept under the carpet.

THIS is my main gripe with Manly.

I can understand Brett & GLenn Stewart being upset, but there's a time and there's a place. And that time and place is not on the podium at grand final day.