Hypothetical: player involvement

Anonymous person said:
thirdly, if the players knew about it, you can be damn sure that the players that melbourne let go after 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 wouldve blown the whistle on the whole thing years ago.

Hardly. Why would they dob in their mates?
Anonymous person said:
you guys that are accusing the players are all making big assumptions. firstly, youre assuming that these footy players with hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank keep a keen eye on their bank accounts. i dont even keep a keen eye on my bank account unless i know i must be starting to run low, and i dont have anywhere near hundreds of thousands of dollars in there.

secondly, players have managers. the only reason they have managers is to do their contract stuff. look at the whole civoniceva thing - people on here were claiming that he was 'left in the dark' by his manager as to what was going on, but now all of a sudden since its melbourne players you all say that as a player you would HAVE to know whats gonig on? lolz.

thirdly, if the players knew about it, you can be damn sure that the players that melbourne let go after 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 wouldve blown the whistle on the whole thing years ago.

I'm sorry but as a player you cannot plead Ignorance.
You've failed to comprehend one simple thing in this thread.


Read it again if it's that difficult for you.
ningnangnong said:
Hardly. Why would they dob in their mates?
umm maybe because they just got told by a club that they cant fit them under the salary cap, when youre saying that they KNOW that the club is paying no attention to the salary cap? i think that would make the player getting told to leave a bit cranky, wouldnt you?

Nashy said:
You've failed to comprehend one simple thing in this thread.


Read it again if it's that difficult for you.

i was responding to the people that actually are saying they knew, not the people saying HYPOTHETICALLY IF THEY KNEW. again your comprehension skills let you down.
This entire thread is about a hypothetical situation. Therfore, any accusations, are purely surrounding what would happen, hypothetically.

Why is it that everything has do be dumbed down about five times, and then you still don't get it? Really? Have you thought about that?

Or is it that you just want to go against the grain, so you talk a load of crap?
Nashy said:
This entire thread is about a hypothetical situation. Therfore, any accusations, are purely surrounding what would happen, hypothetically.

Why is it that everything has do be dumbed down about five times, and then you still don't get it? Really? Have you thought about that?

Or is it that you just want to go against the grain, so you talk a load of crap?
for heavens sake nashy, can you even read?

m1c said:
IMO there is no doubt that the players and player managers would have known everything. The players sign off on the NRL contract that is then lodged with them (NRL), which declares their salary and payments. They are also in receipt of the 2nd contract (kept in the 2nd office) which details the actual amount that they are going to be paid, which is what they had agreed to accept when they agreed to resign.

Clearly, Waldron, the player and the manager would have been involved in direct discussions about this is what we will pay you, but this is what we declare on the formal NRL contract and this is what will be paid as extras in this way, we are talking huge amounts of monies here as individual "overs", of course they were a party to it all and knew exactly what was unfolding.

They then recieve the balance (2nd set) of payments via third parties, which annually clearly exceed what they had signed off on in the NRL contract. I don't don't this is rampant throughout the NRL.

IMO some players have to be made examples of to also make them think twice.

thats not a response to a hypothetical question.

youre the one that has to have everything dumbed down for them Nashy. hell, last night you couldnt even read a table correctly and proclaimed that the broncos breached the salary cap by only $30k...........despite the column title reading 'Fine'. that was just pure brilliance and great detective work on your behalf, wasnt it? [icon_lol1.
Oh of course. 1 person does, so we all are. But go on, argue about that over the next 6 posts.
Nashy said:
Oh of course. 1 person does, so we all are. But go on, argue about that over the next 6 posts.
go on, continue arguing about something that you are clearly wrong about.

you made a mistake, move on. i was responding to the person saying that he thinks the players knew, you blew up after MISINTERPRETING the conversation.

or should i dumb that post down for you another 3 or 4 times until you can adequately comprehend it?
Wasn't sure if this was Waldron commenting on a player or a mgmt member but it's a bit worrying:

"It's happening everywhere. What about (name withheld) leaving us and getting paid $200,000 by (sponsor withheld) outside the cap by the (team name withheld).
If the players lied on their tax returns, then they should clearly suffer any consequences associated with that.

As for the NRL, I don't feel it would be fair if the players received huge punishments. It's not their job to ensure their club are under the cap, and whilst it's easy to say that what they did was wrong and should have come clean, the truth is it would be a much harder position than you might think. If you blow the whistle, then you are, in some sense, going to feel like you are letting down your mates, and I doubt any player is going to want to do that. As for taking the payments, the only real alternative I imagine would be to leave the club, and I can understand how that's not exactly the easiest choice to make either.

IMO, it would be an incredibly tough position to be put in, and far too easy to point the finger and say "this is what you should have done". The people who should really be punished are the ones who put the players in the position to begin with. As for player punishments, I'd have thought being robbed of their premiership wins is just about the harshest thing that they could endure.
Je$ter said:
Wasn't sure if this was Waldron commenting on a player or a mgmt member but it's a bit worrying:

"It's happening everywhere. What about (name withheld) leaving us and getting paid $200,000 by (sponsor withheld) outside the cap by the (team name withheld).

That sounds like Izzy.....However i have faith in the Broncos to be doing the right thing.
draggx said:
Je$ter said:
Wasn't sure if this was Waldron commenting on a player or a mgmt member but it's a bit worrying:

"It's happening everywhere. What about (name withheld) leaving us and getting paid $200,000 by (sponsor withheld) outside the cap by the (team name withheld).

That sounds like Izzy.....However i have faith in the Broncos to be doing the right thing.
Because the storm haven't lost any other players over the years, nor would Waldron lie about anything like that.... :roll:
Emma said:
draggx said:
Je$ter said:
Wasn't sure if this was Waldron commenting on a player or a mgmt member but it's a bit worrying:

"It's happening everywhere. What about (name withheld) leaving us and getting paid $200,000 by (sponsor withheld) outside the cap by the (team name withheld).

That sounds like Izzy.....However i have faith in the Broncos to be doing the right thing.
Because the storm haven't lost any other players over the years, nor would Waldron lie about anything like that.... :roll:

That is why i have faith in the Broncos to be doing the right thing.
Ari Gold said:
If the players lied on their tax returns, then they should clearly suffer any consequences associated with that.
do you really think that NRL players do their own tax returns? lol
I'm no lawyer, but I'd guess that there is also the chance that if hypothetically the players were receiving payments greater than their contract from the club and they knew about it, they could be up on some kind of embezzlement/fraud criminal charge.
EDIT: i think he is too now. can never be sure with nashy.

i cant see any players getting criminal charges etc.