I am a p!ssed off that Manly & Storm were only fined $50,000 each

If you are injuried & get suspended, your suspension should start after you are fit to play.

I agree it's not really fair, but for the amount of times it happens, is it really worth complicating the game and rules even further.
Simple, Coxy breaks his hand punching me in the face, goes to the judiciary, an independent doc or 2 assess broken hand before judiciary, tells them that it's an injury that will keep Coxy from playing for 4 weeks. When suspension is handed down the 4 weeks is added to it. If it takes 3 or 5 so be it. Don't be punching me.... Or any other player in the head.
How many players play injuried? Teams would just say the player wants to play injuried and so put him on that weeks team list. Then because of his suspension can't play and he gets the time to recover.

We wouldn't be able to send players to an NRL doc for approval to play every week as some players might never get to play. They would either be classed as "injuried" or serving their "suspension". So by that idea we might never see half of first grade.
Blair got 3 weeks from the NRL judiciary on top of the 2 weeks for striking ----> Out for season.

Stewart requested adjournment and it was granted. Judgement will take place tomorrow evening.
Brett Stewart might have got 1 week of "free suspension" but the NRL still owes him another 3 weeks!
It's not about finals it's about getting the right punishment for the crime. It's about restoring sone integrity to the game.
Brett and Glenn banned for life and the Manly Sea-Eagles home ground, leagues club and the homes of their supportors reduced to a smouldering ruin.
I want to see players who run 40 mtrs with the sole intention of bashing a bloke 5 on 1 get more time than blokes who came off the bench to break it up.

Also I want to see G Stewart rubbed out for the year then fined again if he pleads not guilty. His arguement apparently will be he should never have been in that position because he shouldn't have got 10 mins in the first place.

Will Manly ever accept they or their players are in the wrong?????
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The guys that ran in from 40 metres away are getting a 1 week suspension. That is the problem. The blokes that have copped 3 or 4 I have no problem with - these are appropriate penalties. But the NRL says how serious this has been and how bad for the game, then dish out just 1 week? It's not enough. Bear in mind that if nobody runs in we don't have anywhere near the size of the problem. Blair and Stewart punch on - one on one - and the refs run over and break it up. Not a massive drama. It's the guys that ran in that made it such a problem, but they get 1 week? Pathetic. There's a decent argument there that those guys should have got more than Blair and Stewart. I couldn't give a crap about $50,000 fines to the club. That's like me speeding and the cops sending the fine to my Mum. Scrap the fines, and punish the blokes properly.