OFFICIAL Ikin to depart Broncos

Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
I'd love to know the details of these discussions..

"Then there was this sort of period where Kevvie and I, and I've sort of spoken about this openly, is we were coming at the same thing, the same problem, in the hope to find the safe solution but just coming from different sides, different approaches and so we challenged each other.

"There were a lot of robust conversations and then sort of two years in the footy program - which was clearly in better shape than what it was a couple of years ago - kind of then had to be finished up, (and) had to happen in Kevvie's image, not in mine."


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
Ehhh, there was no need to air this dirty laundry imo.

Says they are on good terms, then in a very PC way says they clashed.

Sounds like a clash of ego's to me, with Ikin wanting as much, if not equal input into the team as the coach, and got his knickers in a twist when that didn't happen.

Ive made no secret of my dislike of Ikin, but i also know he is a professional and would do his job.

I just don't get why this had to be an article at all.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I think he was under the impression that he was going to be Kevvie’s boss & in charge of everything to do with the football side of things.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 13, 2017
i mean robust conversations is what i want, dont want yes men agreeing on everything think that is what got us in the position we were in in the first place. ikin on to bigger things and the broncos in a better place post pies sounds like a win.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
i mean robust conversations is what i want, dont want yes men agreeing on everything think that is what got us in the position we were in in the first place. ikin on to bigger things and the broncos in a better place post pies sounds like a win.
Yep agreed, however there is a fine line between robust conversation and butting heads.
And while you don't want to be surrounded by yes men, you also don't want resistance at every decision.

Its a balancing act for sure, but i always got the impression, even when he was on 360, that Ikin wants to be boss.
He did apply for the Bronco top job and missed out and subsequently got outranked by Dave and Kevvie.

Im sure whatever he did at the Broncos he did his best, i just think its best to move on.
Personally i think he is sour at not having a say over the team, as Nopatience101 said.


NRL Captain
Oct 7, 2017
I think he was under the impression that he was going to be Kevvie’s boss & in charge of everything to do with the football side of things.
Not the only one.

In my small world, at the time, I thought Dave would run the administration side of things and Ben the football side.

Thought it was a smart move and the way to get ahead of the field. Not to be.

Can't help but think it will go down as a lost opportunity.


QCup Player
Dec 6, 2019
Thanks mate. That's a good write up to. It's honestly pleasing the broncos administration is so much improved on the white era.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Still no replacement for Boxhead.

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