Indigenous All Stars team revealed

The Gymp said:
I will be going for the Allstars, I am not aboriginal so therefore I don't think I am supposed to barrack for them when they play against a team made up of mainly caucasians like myself. I think that's the idea anyway?

You've been living in Gympie too long....

But yes, sadly I think that's the attitude many people are starting to take and that's the danger of these types of games.

I still remember how the 2000 World Cup had Aotearoa Maori as a team. As well as NZ.

I think it's always dangerous when a team's selection is based on race, even one as well intentioned as this.

How long were South Africa banned from playing international sport because they would only pick whites?
Because of the Kiwis etc in the All Stars team it's less a race V race contest like you're making it out to be. Rather than being a KKK team, the All Stars are going to be white, Maori, pacific islanders, etc. I don't think it would be possible for a proper racial blue to start amongst the fans.
Coxy said:
The Gymp said:
I will be going for the Allstars, I am not aboriginal so therefore I don't think I am supposed to barrack for them when they play against a team made up of mainly caucasians like myself. I think that's the idea anyway?

You've been living in Gympie too long....

But yes, sadly I think that's the attitude many people are starting to take and that's the danger of these types of games.

I still remember how the 2000 World Cup had Aotearoa Maori as a team. As well as NZ.

I think it's always dangerous when a team's selection is based on race, even one as well intentioned as this.

How long were South Africa banned from playing international sport because they would only pick whites?

Not sure if you saw the point of my post mate. I think the whole concept is dumb and that it yet again creates an US and THEM mentality.

I would prefer a game where they divide the clubs into conferences for an allstar game.

Allstars - NQ, Brisbane, GC, NZ, Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne
Sydney - Souths, Easts, West Tigers, Cronulla, St Geogre, Penrith, Parra, Bulldogs, Manly

Therefore no one is marginalised, you still have a rule of at least one player from every team and you are guaranteed to get plenty of Aboriginals in both sides because they are good enough to be in there not just because of sentimentality.
But this is celebrating that Australia said sorry for the horrific stolen generation (of people who were liberated from abusive/neglectful families).
Soon enough we'll be sorry for kicking their ass in the league too.
few ideas being thrown around for this game
The Indigenous and NRL All Stars will be able to opt for an extra play rather than a conversion in an attempt to score four more points in the match, to be played on the Gold Coast on February 13.

The move is one of several designed to increase the entertainment factor for the game, which will commemorate the anniversary of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's apology to the Stolen Generation.

Others include the use of four referees, coaches Neil Henry and Wayne Bennett wearing microphones and the video referee explaining decisions to the broadcasters' commentary team.,865 ... 14,00.html
I like the Video ref one. Other than that, 2 refs is useless, 4 is going to be double the useless factor.

Coaches won't be able to show their passion if they can't swear and speak their mind, so screw that.
draggx said:
im curious to see how this "Another play" option is gonna go.

It'll be interesting. Sounds kind of like in gridiron where they can go for the point after conversion or run in a play for 2 points. Only difference I guess is that in gridiron the point after is always taken from in front of the posts regardless of where the touchdown occurs. It would be pretty harsh if a touch and go try was scored in the corner that the team would have a shot at getting 8 points.
Someone will hate that rule when a team scores in the corner right on the siren making the scores level, then instead of taking a conversion from the touch line, take it to the middle of the field for an easy shot at field goal.

Nonetheless I'd be very interested to see how it goes in this game.
I think Jeb it'll be get the ball over the line kind of scoring not a field goal.
Don't think it will get out of hand if people see it for what it really is - an entertaining game of footy.

Be kind of sad if race agendas and fights break out from this... trying to do something for the fans only for it to be abused...
Je$ter said:
I think Jeb it'll be get the ball over the line kind of scoring not a field goal.

It is actually...

however if it wasn't.:

Interesting scenario... down by 4 you score in the corner to even it up on the buzzer. Do you kick for goal from the sideline or go for a field goal to win it?

(obviously your kicker has to be 50/50-ish [eg Parker] for this case to be interesting)
Dont Forget to get in and vote for the allstars guys.

You pick 2 fowards and 2 backs from every team
vote for josh mcguire, dane copley, ben hunt & dunamis lui

if we get coordinated and we all vote that way, then they mite have a chance of making the team and our star players can rest
draggx said:
i went

Mcguire,Setu Izzy,Winter

I so read that as Lizzie McGuire and wondered what the **** Miley Cyrus was doing at an NRL game.

Yes, I know Miley Cyrus isn't Lizzie McGuire...I'm trying to sound old