Is the Bronco DNA now choking?

From 2008 prelim to now, we've done nothing but choke.

Prelims we've lost, to getting smashed in finals then on to 2015, then to dropping from top 4 to missing the 8 in 2022 to the biggest Grand Final choke in Australian sporting history.

Are we just chokers now?

This is just now what I expect from us. I hate it.
Broncos DNA is happy to be making a profit so winning doesn’t matter because the Broncos fans keep watching us
And even if the fans don't turn up Channel 9 keeps booking us to Friday night... so sponsors!!

NSWRL fans love watching us lose... 2020/21 ratings were probably through the roof for broncos games... Vlando will be creaming himself about returning to those levels of viewership again
Broncos DNA is living off the 90's and now mediocrity... and the board fucking loves it

I was going to say mediocrity as well but honestly if you watched the last 10 of so games I'm not sure we could even claim to be at a mediocre level, we seem to be striving (poorly) to even get there.
I was going to say mediocrity as well but honestly if you watched the last 10 of so games I'm not sure we could even claim to be at a mediocre level, we seem to be striving (poorly) to even get there.

Doesn't quite have the same ring to it