Jack Bird Discussion

I am confused, surely our medical staff would have checked him over when signed?

Is this an injury he picked up after that or do our Docs not check on new players?
I am confused, surely our medical staff would have checked him over when signed?

Is this an injury he picked up after that or do our Docs not check on new players?

This was an injury he picked up after.
It's a dog act and to be honest, not unexpected from a place like the shire. You really do have to be a piece of shit to do that.
I get that the Sharks are a scummy club, but this seems a little too far, even for them.

According to the article, the scans Bird showed to our club doctors weren't very good quality and were hard to examine, so they re-scanned him.

You'll have a relatively hard time convincing me that the Sharks medical staff were like "**** this kid, he's going to the Broncos, let's send him to the 240p MRI machine instead of the 1080p one, MWAHAHA."

Also, he played the PM XIII's game, it's not impossible that he could've suffered a more serious shoulder injury and/or made the original injury worse while playing, I assume his initial scans were from when he suffered the injury mid-season.
Surely if the scans were poor quality and hard to examine and couldn't quite show the full extent of the injury, one's thinking would be to perhaps re-scan for a better quality picture so they can know for sure?
This is the same club and coach that happily doped up their players, they don't exactly have the greatest track record based on that alone.
If the injury was the same extent as Milford's, then it would have been clear even to a rookie doctor that surgery was required.

I think it would be easy enough to prove in court.

Prove enough to have his license revoked, anyway.
You'd hope so but I've seen experienced doctors even miss fractures many times before. The fact the broncos had to get "better" scans indicates this to a degree. Just like plumbers, teachers, welders or shop assistants-doctors make mistakes (I very much doubt this was missed/mistake but it's hard to prove)

Surgery is given more promptly to athletes but is often the last option for the general public so there would be 10000's of people walking around with worse shoulders then bird for the rest of their lives, the specialist could argue with this easily as he probably still has full use of his arm-it's just not up to the rigours of nrl (but sharks could argue back that he was playing ok anyway).

Also, I'm not sure of the injury but I can guarantee you that there is some evidence that non-surgical management works just as well with that particular injury. Unfortunately, it wouldn't work as quickly and the research wouldn't be on professional rugby league players where the shoulder gets hammered. But if there is no evidence against what he did then once again he'd get away with what he did even if the injury was un-missable
Was it simply a matter of the Sharks not wanting to pay for surgery for a guy that won’t be playing for them?
Either way the doctor who diagnosed should be sacked.

It's either breaking ethical codes of conduct by withholding information to the detriment of his patient (cronulla is his employer and should have no standing) or it's incompetence for misdiagnosis even following further complaints from bird about the injury
This is disgraceful from the Sharks ... IMO, even more disgraceful than the massive rorts by the Storm and Bulldogs

Don't get me wrong, the Storm and Bulldogs salary cap rorts were a blatant breech of the rules that they agreed to abide by and a complete disgrace ...

But this act by the Sharks concerns a players health.

In fact if the doctor covered up the need for Bird to get surgery under instruction from Flangan or Sharks bosses then he is extremely unethical and could have now made himself liable for a malpractice lawsuit.

If the doctor, simply didn't notice the need for surgery then he may be incompetent

either way, if i was a player I would now have serious concerns about either joining or remaining at the Sharks
The worst part is opposition fans are all for it because it ***** over the Broncos. The Sharks have proven in the past that they don't care for the safety and well being of their players, why should we trust that this is an accident? The only way the players association will complain about this is if some money goes into Cameron Smiths pockets.