Jake Friend Arrested For Drink Driving

A better way for clubs to protect their players is to take a greater role in educating them against excessive drinking and if needs be forcibly stop them if they are in a position to do so; rather than trying to cover up incidents when they do happen.
Bloody Idiot!!! I hate anyone who drink drives it is the lowest of low IMO. I 'm not sure he should get sacked as alot of people make thi smistake but a very harsh penalty is required..
Coxy said:
Broncos sacked Nev Costigan for low level drink driving.

And this was Nev's first drinking related incident was it?

The Broncos didn't sack him for drink driving, drink driving was just the final straw in a number of alcohol related incidents. Had it been his first drinking related offence, I doubt he would have been sacked.

Yes, this guy drink driving at a high range is extremely stupid, but I don't think he should be sacked from his club over it.

How many of you would get sacked from your place of employment for drink driving?
a harsh penalty, like say maybe a Criminal conviction, loss of license and a fine? Like you would get with the law. Possibly even jail time...
OXY-351 said:
Coxy said:
Broncos sacked Nev Costigan for low level drink driving.

And this was Nev's first drinking related incident was it?

The Broncos didn't sack him for drink driving, drink driving was just the final straw in a number of alcohol related incidents. Had it been his first drinking related offence, I doubt he would have been sacked.

Yes, this guy drink driving at a high range is extremely stupid, but I don't think he should be sacked from his club over it.

How many of you would get sacked from your place of employment for drink driving?

I would.
mrslong said:
a harsh penalty, like say maybe a Criminal conviction, loss of license and a fine? Like you would get with the law. Possibly even jail time...

nah fark it just sack them all get rid of the NRL all the players drink too much why should they get normal lives???? Spoilt brats get everything handed to them on a platter enough is enough..
Coxy said:
Broncos sacked Nev Costigan for low level drink driving.

But that was after he had numerous other warnings for bad behavior with alcohol etc.
Why should the club have any blame? He's not a fucking kid, I'm sick of this blame everyone else, he's old enough to know what to do, the club are not his babysitters, my employer does not babysit me and tell me what i can and can't do outside of work.

Footballers well most anyway are more than old enough to be repsonible for their own decisions, he is 19, he is not 12 or 13, he and he alone is fully responsible for his own actions.
Nobody is lining up to buy newspapers about every time you stuff up either broncospwn.
In broncospwn's defence. No one will be lining up for this nobody either.
OXY-351 said:
How many of you would get sacked from your place of employment for drink driving?

If drink driving meant that my employer's name would get dragged through the mud in the media, then I bet I'd be sacked within 24 hours.
I'm surprised that someone (such as mrslong in this case, not having a go at mrslong just using her as an example) who has seen firsthand the devastation caused by drink driving, can condone it.

I have said it all before; No matter who you are or what section of society you hail from, if you are caught drink driving, you should be forced to spend time incarcerated. Simple.

I reckon drink driving should carry a mandatory 12 week jail term in a low security prison. And that's for the minor offences...don't like it? Don't fucking drink and drive.
Not going to bother starting another thread for this because they'll take over League Talk, but apparently Brett Seymour is now in a bit of trouble for a "drunken incident" on Saturday night (source: channel 9 news). They said he was so drunk that he wet his pants outside a club then fell asleep in a garden bed.

They can't just lay low for a couple of months... [icon_non
Jeza23 said:
Sucks to be FCB and the Roosters at the moment haha

icon_thumbs_u He is still playing this weekend. It is his first offense both criminally and in terms of indiscretions at the club I would be willing to suspend him for a month and fine him 20k or something but sacking him will do nothing but cause the kid more problems.
The NRL should step in here and suspend Friend for at least a few games, to go along with his 10k fine.
Will that nobody even play nrl anyway?
Ah my bad, well just sack him anyway or at least suspend him for 5 games.