James Roberts Drama

The two crimes are worthy of being sacked in this particular industry, but in this instance, the NRL have prioritised taking a stance on domestic violence and rightly so. Of course, this is all allegations at this stage.

I'm not sure I agree that Broncos fans are as black and white as you say, but I agree that those fans will be all they have left if they continue to support characters such as the busted Jet. A plane crash waiting to happen IMHO.

Come on mate ! Pull someone's hair will hurt someone's feelings! (and head) drive over the limit could kill someone. Tell me who is the bigger idiot ? Yet majority of the guys who get dui , get a slap on the wrist. Oh ! And pulling someone's hair is not domestic violence!! And I'm not talking about bronco fans hating either
Come on mate ! Pull someone's hair will hurt someone's feelings! (and head) drive over the limit could kill someone. Tell me who is the bigger idiot ? Yet majority of the guys who get dui , get a slap on the wrist. Oh ! And pulling someone's hair is not domestic violence!! And I'm not talking about bronco fans hating either
It's assault, whether anyone thinks it's trivial or not. An assault is a crime in Queensland...
I used the wrong terminology in calling it domestic violence - there's a house alarm going off in the street and I can't think straight as I'm worried for the elderly couple who live there and waiting on police.

Violence towards women is abhorrent. It's that simple. Pulling anyone by their hair to the point of causing lasting pain is acceptable to you? Seriously? The guy has a history of physical abuse with women.

I'm not debating the contrast between the two crimes, you brought that up of your own accord. I agree though, DUI is horrifically dangerous. I think of my family being taken out by such an idiot and liken it to murder with a dangerous weapon.

Don't get me wrong, I've done plenty of stupid things and am not so self-righteous to believe I didn't deserve punishment, but it's when the person doesn't learn from their lessons that I get upset. Far too many chances.

Like i said it was a grub act (if he did actually do it ) but i think its an over reaction to call it domestic violence or assult . I think society is becoming way to soft ! parents whinge about this type of stuff but then let there kids watch movies were its cool to blow people's heads off !!!
No police report? Should be the end of story. Guy has a right to innocence before guilt, no matter the track record. Having said that, the guy should be getting D&A tested every fucking day he shows up to work for the next 2 years. Don't like that, Jimmy? Then find another fucking employer.
Come on mate ! Pull someone's hair will hurt someone's feelings! (and head) drive over the limit could kill someone. Tell me who is the bigger idiot ? Yet majority of the guys who get dui , get a slap on the wrist. Oh ! And pulling someone's hair is not domestic violence!! And I'm not talking about bronco fans hating either

i have sat back and cant hold my tongue any longer.

your comments around this not being domestic violence absolutely stink. if you want to break it down to a more brain dead position that you will understand then lets phrase it as common assault!!!!
how would you react or feel if some bloke grabbed your mum or sisters hair and allegedly did the same thing.

do you feel that its ok to assault women???

wake up son and get with society, game of thrones doesnt start for another few months.
Like i said it was a grub act (if he did actually do it ) but i think its an over reaction to call it domestic violence or assult . I think society is becoming way to soft ! parents whinge about this type of stuff but then let there kids watch movies were its cool to blow people's heads off !!!
If it was my g/f, I would've floored him right then and there (or more likely him me, but that's beside the point), all of this assuming it actually happened.

Agree with those saying he shouldn't have been there in the first place, given his history and the fact he is a recovering alcohol addict. Besides, he's right in the middle of the pre-season, usually one of the toughest parts of the season, both mentally and physically.
Being at a nightclub at 1 am during pre-season, prior to early training sessions or a game, is something my juniors coach would have benched me for.

However, if he didn't do the assault (that is what it is), and this is a made-up story for whatever reason, be it a cash grab or an axe to grind, and wasn't actually blind drunk, I don't think the Broncos have a case to dismiss him, nor should they.
He denied any wrong doing, so I'd rather wait for the facts...
i have sat back and cant hold my tongue any longer.

your comments around this not being domestic violence absolutely stink. if you want to break it down to a more brain dead position that you will understand then lets phrase it as common assault!!!!
how would you react or feel if some bloke grabbed your mum or sisters hair and allegedly did the same thing.

do you feel that its ok to assault women???

wake up son and get with society, game of thrones doesnt start for another few months.

Game of thrones ? Never seen it ! So would calling me brain dead count as abuse to you ? If he did it to my mum or sister , i would've pulled his hair back then assulted him . Have never hit a woman and doubt i ever will . As for society! Ha ! People who have done far worse are let back into society , so i have little faith in it.
If Roberts is sacked then kahu to right centre and benji to left?
So whats the verdict with everyone. Sack him or keep him?
Till something is proven, we don't have an option.

Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist, but any chance it's all a smokescreen so that we can get rid of him now that we have Marshall, Moga and Mead???

Ps and need money for a prop....
I'm all for presumption of innocence, but Roberts is surely taking the piss (pun somewhat intended).

Personally I don't think this singular incident (in isolation) is on par with drink driving. Sure it's an intentional, directed attack, but it doesn't have that some potential for tragedy.

That said, it's not an isolated incident, and if true (likely), he's clearly not able to get his shit together. Players don't need to be saints, but they shouldn't be deadset clowns either.

If it was him, best to give him his walking papers. I don't expect it, given current reporting of the situation though..
Technically for it to be DV there needs to be an established relationship. This is an assault (alleged)