Jarryd Hayne Conviction Overturned

The offense (although serious) was not rape and he had been invited into her bedroom. I think the shit he has gone through after the 'event' and the huge reality check he has copped while doing some porridge probably fits the crime. His reputation (in NSW) has been ruined beyond redemption. So I'd have no qualms if a judge decided it was not possible for him to get a fair trial after all the publicity
If it happened the way she says it happened it’s most certainly a rape no?
There’s no way he gets a fair trial now. Not after all of the publicity over it.

The judge has to step in. I doubt the prosecution are going to drop it.
There’s no way he gets a fair trial now. Not after all of the publicity over it.

The judge has to step in. I doubt the prosecution are going to drop it.
I don't think this is necessarily true. There's been plenty of cases with FAR more profile than Hayne's that have managed a "fair trial". Compared to the Daniel Morcombe case, for example, it barely rates a mention.

The prosecution may indeed drop it, but I doubt a judge dismisses it because of publicity.
If it happened the way she says it happened it’s most certainly a rape no?
Unless there is actual intercourse (which there wasn't) I don't classify it as rape. Penetration, be it with tongue/finger/toy etc. is sexual assault in my book.
Unless there is actual intercourse (which there wasn't) I don't classify it as rape. Penetration, be it with tongue/finger/toy etc. is sexual assault in my book.
Yeah, nah. It’s the same thing dude.
From the dictionary.....

RAPE - noun
unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.....