Joel Clinton

He's sick. He'll be right next week.

Besides, Wallace and Lockyer can kick as others have said. Parker Schmarker.
Parker Schmarker agreed.
I was at the game with a mate today, and we said, whose the worst Bronco?

He thinks Kenny, (personal bias imo, I reckon Kenny's alright)
I'm with Parker. I don't see him making much starting line ups in the back row for many teams, don't see why he should at the Broncs.
Kenny is orsm. I am expecting him to almost dominate with a starting spot next year.
I think he's been stronger than hannant lately. Clinton's best football is still ahead of him and hopefully he gets to that stage while in Brisbane.
I'm glad a few of us have had faith in Clinton - he's really starting to aim up, and despite being doubtful about Kenny, he seems now to be starting to show some real form.

Even Sims seems to be lifting a bit.

As for Parker? Why is he still there?
rnabokov said:
I'm glad a few of us have had faith in Clinton - he's really starting to aim up, and despite being doubtful about Kenny, he seems now to be starting to show some real form.

Even Sims seems to be lifting a bit.

As for Parker? Why is he still there?

Maybe he mows WB's lawns?
Petero i wonder how his feeling not playing finals football?
I suppose thats what greed does to you.
I still heart Petero. At least he doesn't glass women. A true gentleman of the game.
doordan23 said:
I suppose thats what greed does to you.

He deserved the money he is getting + more. He is reaching the very end of his career - he needs to look after himself and his family. He has spent enough time not being greedy for the Broncos over the years.